AさんとKさんのコメントについて 私の亡き夫は、1950年代、10代の頃にヨガを始めました。それは、"真の "ヨガの練習は、(今日のニューエイジャーが実践している西洋版とは異なり)生涯をかけて取り組むものであり、発祥の国では男性のみが実践していたということでした。女性はその生理学的特性から、男性よりもはるかに簡単に特定のヨガのポジションをとることができます。ヨガは「通常の意識の変化を止めること」と定義されており、その目的は「プルサ」(純粋な意識)を「シッタ」(通常の意識)から切り離し、「プルサ」が支配的になることです。上師は「八肢の修行」と呼ばれる様々な段階を経て修行者を導くが、最初の5つは準備段階であり、最後の3つは内的で重要な段階である(samyama-完全な抑制)。第8肢(三昧-集中)にはヨギンのサポートが含まれているが、目標は三昧を超えてプルサ-無窮と自由-に至ることである。


自己の実現は、自己の至高性の認識から論理的に導かれるものですが、根本的な対立を引き起こし、対立物の間の実質的な中断(十字架にかけられたキリストが二人の泥棒の間に吊るされていることを連想させる)、そして完全性を欠いた近似的な全体性の状態へと導くのです。. . . 個人は完璧さを求めて努力することができるが、完全さのためには自分の意図とは反対のことで苦しまなければならないのである。自己の象徴であるキリスト」(同書、123項)。

私はこの意識を超えた全体性を "自己 "と呼んでいます。

Jungian Maps - Shadow Projection (mirror)
Jungian Maps - Shadow Projection (mirror)

In regard to the comments by A and K My late husband began practicing Yoga back in the 1950's when he was in his teens! He was very firm about what he learned: that "true" Yoga practice was a lifelong commitment and discipline (unlike the Western version, practiced by today's New Agers) and that in the country of its origin was only practiced by men. Women (because of their physiology) can attain certain yogic positions much more easily than men. Yoga is defined as the "cessation of the transformations of ordinary awareness" and so, its goal is to disentangle "purusa" (pure consciousness) from "citta" (ordinary awareness) so that "purusa" becomes dominant. The guru guides the practitioner through various stages called the "eight-limbed discipline", the first five being preparatory and the last three being internal and crucial (samyama-- complete restraining). The eighth limb (samadhi--concentration) contains support for the yogin, but the goal is to move beyond samadhi to purusa --cessation and freedom.
Yoga is described in the Bhagavad Gita and in the Yogatattva Upanishad. There are many types of yoga--Jana, Karma, Bhakti, Mantra, Laya, Hatha and Raja--each having their own special characteristics.
It would seem, from the quotes above that Jung had quite a sophisticated understanding of yoga, but may have discriminated when it comes to the underlying goal. I believe that complete "individuation" and Moksha (release or Self-realization and the realization of purusa) are one and the same.

A state in which consciousness and the unconscious work together in harmony. (See also self.)
Although "wholeness" seems at first sight to be nothing but an abstract idea (like anima and animus), it is nevertheless empirical in so far as it is anticipated by the psyche in the form of spontaneous or autonomous symbols. These are the quaternity or mandala symbols, which occur not only in the dreams of modern people who have never heard of them, but are widely disseminated in the historical records of many peoples and many epochs. Their significance as symbols of unity and totality is amply confirmed by history as well as by empirical psychology. [The Self," ibid., par. 59.]

In terms of individuation, where the goal is a vital connection with the Self, Jung contrasted wholeness with the conflicting desire to become perfect.
The realization of the Self, which would logically follow from a recognition of its supremacy, leads to a fundamental conflict, to a real suspension between opposites (reminiscent of the crucified Christ hanging between two thieves), and to an approximate state of wholeness that lacks perfection. . . . The individual may strive after perfection . . . but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his completeness. ["Christ, A Symbol of the Self," ibid., par. 123.]
~Daryl Sharp, Jung Lexicon

In the individuation process, it anticipates the figure that comes from the synthesis of conscious and unconscious elements in the personality.
It is therefore a symbol which unites the opposites; a mediator, bringer of healing, that is, one who makes whole.
Because it has this meaning, the child motif is capable of the numerous transformations mentioned above: it can be expressed by roundness, the circle or sphere, or else by the quaternity as another form of wholeness.
I have called this wholeness that transcends consciousness the “self.”
The goal of the individuation process is the synthesis of the self. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 278

深みには、個人の完全性、全体性、癒しへの鍵が隠されている 。




"神は善悪を超えている "と言う代わりに、"人生は善と悪の両方である "と言うことができる。~カール・ユング『C.G.ユングとの対話』40ページ。




"相反するものの識別なしには、意識は存在しない。" ~カール・ユング「母型の心理的側面」CW9i、par. 178.

私はこの意識を超えた全体性を "自己 "と呼んでいます。

The Depths contain the key to individual completeness, wholeness and healing :
"So these depths, that layer of utter unconsciousness in our dream, contain at the same time the key to individual completeness and wholeness, in other words to healing. The meaning of “whole” or “wholeness” is to make holy or to heal. The descent into the depths will bring healing. It is the way to the total being, to the treasure which suffering mankind is forever seeking, which is hidden in the place guarded by terrible danger. This is the place of primordial unconsciousness and at the same time the place of healing and redemption, because it contains the jewel of wholeness. It is the cave where the dragon of chaos lives and it is also the indestructible city, the magic circle or temenos , the sacred precinct where all the split-off parts of the personality are united." ~C.G. Jung, Tavistock Lectures, para. 270

The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. ~Carl Jung; MDR; Page 193.

For the first time in history we now have an understanding of man so comprehensive and fundamental that it can be the basis for a unification of the world -- first religiously and culturally and, in time, politically. When enough individuals are carriers of the "consciousness of wholeness," the world itself will become whole.
~Edward Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness, p.31

“In contrast to the meditation found in yoga practice, the psychoanalytic aim is to observe the shadowy presentation — whether in the form of images or of feelings — that are spontaneously evolved in the unconscious psyche and appear without his bidding to the man who looks within. In this way we find once more things that we have repressed or forgotten.
Painful though it may be, this is in itself a gain — for what is inferior or even worthless belongs to me as my Shadow and gives me substance and mass. How can I be substantial if I fail to cast a Shadow?
I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole; and inasmuch as I become conscious of my Shadow I also remember that I am a human being like any other.” ~Carl Jung; Modern Man in Search of a Soul; Page 35.

Instead of saying, "God is beyond good and evil," we can say, "Life is both good and evil." ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 40.

If, as many are fain to believe, the unconscious were only nefarious, only evil, then the situation would be simple and the path clear to do good and to eschew evil. But what is "good" and what is "evil"? The unconscious is not just evil by nature, it is also the source of the highest good not only dark but also light, not only bestial, semi-human and demonic but superhuman, spiritual, and, in the classical sense of the word, "divine." ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 389

As God is the union, the reconciliation, of all the opposites, it is natural that both the good and evil principles should be in him potentially, should originate in him. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 215.

All those things which have been neglected and rejected, even immoral things, even evil is needed for virtue cannot exist without evil, as light cannot exist without darkness. ~Carl Jung, Cornwall Lecture, Page 26.

“There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype," CW 9i, par. 178.

In the individuation process, it anticipates the figure that comes from the synthesis of conscious and unconscious elements in the personality.
It is therefore a symbol which unites the opposites; a mediator, bringer of healing, that is, one who makes whole.
Because it has this meaning, the child motif is capable of the numerous transformations mentioned above: it can be expressed by roundness, the circle or sphere, or else by the quaternity as another form of wholeness.
I have called this wholeness that transcends consciousness the “self.”
The goal of the individuation process is the synthesis of the self. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 278

深みには、個人の完全性、全体性、癒しへの鍵が隠されている 。

"危険を冒してドラゴンと戦い、ドラゴンに打ち負かされなかった者だけが、「手に入れるのが難しい宝」である宝を手に入れ、自己の暗黒の地に立ち向かい、それによって自分自身を手に入れたのである。~C. ユング

"カール・ユングは、人は生まれたときには完全な状態であり、幼少期の坩堝の中で自分自身の断片を緩めていくという考えを持っていました。中年期の主な課題は、この喪失体験から生じる危機を乗り切り、再び全体的に統合された人間になることだとユングは考えた。" ~エリック・メイゼル著「クリエイティビティ・ブック」より


The Depths contain the key to individual completeness, wholeness and healing :
"So these depths, that layer of utter unconsciousness in our dream, contain at the same time the key to individual completeness and wholeness, in other words to healing. The meaning of “whole” or “wholeness” is to make holy or to heal. The descent into the depths will bring healing. It is the way to the total being, to the treasure which suffering mankind is forever seeking, which is hidden in the place guarded by terrible danger. This is the place of primordial unconsciousness and at the same time the place of healing and redemption, because it contains the jewel of wholeness. It is the cave where the dragon of chaos lives and it is also the indestructible city, the magic circle or temenos , the sacred precinct where all the split-off parts of the personality are united." ~C.G. Jung, Tavistock Lectures, para. 270

“Only one who has risked the fight with the dragon and is not overcome by it wins the hoard, the ‘treasure hard to attain, he has faced the dark ground of his self and thereby gained himself.” ~C. Jung

“Carl Jung had the idea that we are born whole and then loose pieces of ourselves in the crucible of childhood. The main task of midlife, Jung thought, was to weather the crisis that arises from this experience of this loss and to become a whole integrated person again.” ~from The Creativity Book by Eric Maisel, Ph.D

Individuation: "the process by which a person becomes a psychological 'in-dividual', that is, a separate, indivisible unity or 'whole.' " ~C.G. Jung, Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, para. 490


0.50- 「もし神が私の中に住んでいたら......私はそれを知ることができないだろうか?神の超自然的な力と唯一性を感じないだろうか?いいえ、そんなことはありません。自我が恐れを抱き、無意識の内なる世界から切り離されている限り、そうはなりません...だからこそ、私たちは外の象徴や信念、宗教的権威に神を求め、自分の内なる現実を無視してしまうのです。このように、ほとんどの西洋人にとって、聖なるものはもはや日常的な現実ではありません。それは、精神的な抽象化を通して近づかなければならない別の存在であり、稀にしかない超自然的な啓示や介入の中でのみ経験されるものです。


6.39-- #7 従来の道徳的な神。私たちの家父長制の宗教の創始者について考えてみましょう。彼らはエポックワンを超えて進化した人間でした。彼らは、自分自身やその時代、そして仲間たちよりも先を行っていました。彼らは、より強い自我を持ち、良心を発達させ、他者について考え始め、他者にも価値があるのではないかと気づき始めていました...しかし、彼らは、自我が脳の2つの半球のように二元的に考える二元的思考を持っていました。しかし、彼らはまだ二元論的な思考を持っていました。しかし問題なのは、拒絶された反対物に悪を割り当てる場合です。それがこの神像を機能不全にしている、従来の道徳的な神である。"
壊れた世界の機能不全な神像 by ジーン・ラファ博士


しかし、相反するものが持つ巨大な力を神に帰属させると、彼は神の小さなイメージとしての慎ましい立場に陥る。相反するものが無意識のうちに存在するヤハウェではなく、男性と女性、善と悪という主要な相反するものからなる四位一体の神であり、心理学的な経験や歴史的な証拠によって確認されるように人間の意識に反映されている。" ~カール・ユング、CW18、パラ1617

The thing with Wholeness is to not split evil off into the devil – out there.
[… but they had dualistic thinking still where the ego thinks dualistically like those two hemispheres of the brain. So they choose what they considered to be good in every pair of opposites and formed their god-images around these “good” qualities. But the problem is when we assign evil to the rejected opposite. That’s what makes this god-image dysfunctional, a conventional moral God.]
0.50— “If God lived within me wouldn’t I know it? Wouldn’t I feel God’s supernatural power and one-ness? No. We wouldn’t. Not as long as the ego remains fearful and separated from the inner world of the unconscious… so we seek God in outer symbols and beliefs and religious authorities and we ignore our inner realities. Thus, for most Westerners for most of the time, the sacred is no longer an everyday reality. It is a separate entity who must be approached through mental abstractions and experienced only in rare supernatural revelations and interventions.
This god-image is dysfunctional because it keeps our focus on societal norms and expectations. It prevents us from noticing or consulting our inner life. It blinds us to the sacredness of all life.
6.39-- #7 A Conventionally Moral God. Think about the founders of our patriarchal religions. They were men who had evolved beyond epoch one. They were ahead of themselves and of their era and of their peers. They were people who had stronger egos, they were developing consciences, they were beginning to think about otherness and to realize that maybe there was some value in other people… but they had dualistic thinking still where the ego thinks dualistically like those two hemispheres of the brain. So they choose what they considered to be good in every pair of opposites and formed their god-images around these “good” qualities. But the problem is when we assign evil to the rejected opposite. That’s what makes this god-image dysfunctional, a conventional moral God.”
Dysfunctional God-Images in a Broken World by Dr. Jean Raffa

Hameed Michael Purvis
Will Selman 
They're only not the same at first. They're completely the same in essence, because each of them has the same origin.
I'm not denying the importance of the psychological insight of the proximal issue, where intending to be good and intending to be whole are vastly different projects. I'm just suggesting that there's no way to understand the proximal issues completely without including the distal ones.
So, yes, fair enough, start by distinguishing the good from the whole--as long as when you do that you understand that every saint who has ever walked the earth has been both.
Any psychology which doesn't have sainthood, or theosis, as it's telos is by definition incomplete and inadequate, as far as I'm concerned. That's my fundamental thesis....
Granted, I don't know Jung's work well enough to be certain that he wouldn't agree with that. But it does seem to be a difference in emphasis that winds up being a vital matter to me.
So this is where I part ways with Jung's work, because it seems to me that he never went far enough. And to me that's a great sin because there is no such thing as far enough when what you're dealing with is the infinitude of God.
It's very important to have a clear path all the way back to the source.

"As I have said, it makes a great and vital difference to man whether or not he considers himself as the source of evil, while maintaining that all good stems from God.
Whether he knows it or not, this fills him with satanic pride and hybris on the one side and with an abysmal feeling of inferiority on the other.
But when he ascribes the immense power of the opposites to the Deity, he falls into his modest place as a small image of the Deity, not of Yahweh, in whom the opposites are unconscious, but of a quaternity consisting of the main opposites: male and female, good and evil, and reflected in human consciousness as confirmed by psychological experience and by the historical evidence." ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1617


   ヒュブリス古希ὕβρις英語: Hubris, Hybris)とは、神話に由来した言葉であり、神に対する侮辱や無礼な行為などへと導く極      度の自尊心自信を意味する。通常は後で厳しく罰せられる。この神話上の言葉は、非常に受け容れ難く傲慢で侮辱的な行動が、古代神話(例:エディプス)において説明されているような行動の一つを想起させるようなやり方で、道徳的規範と向き合うことを示すためにしばしば用いられる。



私たちに働く最終的な要因は、「ある貴族」が自分の「しもべ」に託して、彼らと取引をするようにしたタラントに他なりません(ルカ19:12~)。世の中のやり方に関わることが、道徳的な意味で何を意味するかは、想像力を必要としません。いたるところで悪が働いていないかのように装うことができるのは幼稚な人だけであり、その人が無意識であればあるほど、悪魔は彼女/彼を駆り立てるのである。. . . 善と悪を正しい視点から見て、人間の行動の動機を計ることができる、最も広いスケールの冷酷な自己認識だけが、最終的に悪い結果にならないという保証を提供してくれる-カール・ユング; CW 9/2, par. 255.




"神は善悪を超えている "と言う代わりに、"人生は善と悪の両方である "と言うことができる。~カール・ユング『C.G.ユングとの対話』40ページ。



"神の逆説的な性質は人間にも同じような影響を与えます。それは人間を相反するものに引き裂き、一見解決できないような対立に引き渡すのです。そのような状態で何が起こるのか?. . . 例えば、誰も解決する方法を知らない義務の対立があります。意識はただ、「Tertium non datur! (排中律)そこで医者は患者に、無意識が非合理的で、したがって予期しない第三のものを解決策として提案する夢を見ないかどうか、待つように助言する。経験が示すように、和解と統一の性質を持つシンボルが実際に夢に現れる......相反するものの結合を意味するのである。




The final factors at work in us are nothing other than those talents which "a certain nobleman" entrusted to his "servants," that they might trade with them (Luke 19:12 ff.). It does not require much imagination to see what this involvement in the ways of the world means in the moral sense. Only an infantile person can pretend that evil is not at work everywhere, and the more unconscious s/he is, the more the devil drives her/him. . . . Only ruthless self-knowledge of the widest scale, which sees good and evil in correct perspective and can weigh up the motives of human action, offers some guarantee that the end result will not turn out too badly  -Carl Jung; CW 9/2, par. 255.

If God is only good, everything is good. There is not a shadow anywhere. Evil just would not exist, even man would be good and could not produce anything evil. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 518-519

As God is the union, the reconciliation, of all the opposites, it is natural that both the good and evil principles should be in him potentially, should originate in him. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 215.

All those things which have been neglected and rejected, even immoral things, even evil is needed for virtue cannot exist without evil, as light cannot exist without darkness. ~Carl Jung, Cornwall Lecture, Page 26.

Instead of saying, "God is beyond good and evil," we can say, "Life is both good and evil." ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 40.

If, as many are fain to believe, the unconscious were only nefarious, only evil, then the situation would be simple and the path clear to do good and to eschew evil. But what is "good" and what is "evil"? The unconscious is not just evil by nature, it is also the source of the highest good not only dark but also light, not only bestial, semi-human and demonic but superhuman, spiritual, and, in the classical sense of the word, "divine." ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 389

Edinger is commenting on Jung’s Answer to Job:
How are we to understand this apparent reversal? This isn't the only occasion on which Jung can be accused of being inconsistent. You can almost say he is consistently inconsistent, and that is because he is always keenly aware of the operation of the opposites. […]
Paragraph 738:

“The paradoxical nature of God has a like effect on man: it tears him asunder into opposites and delivers him over to a seemingly insoluble conflict. What happens in such a condition? . . . There are, for example, conflicts of duty no one knows how to solve. Consciousness only knows: tertium non datur! (排中律)[A third is not given.] The doctor therefore advises his patient to wait and see whether the unconscious will not produce a dream which proposes an irrational and therefore unexpected third thing as a solution. As experience shows, symbols of a reconciling and unitive nature do in fact turn up in dreams . . . signifying the union of opposites.”
As I said earlier, the symptom of anxiety is a manifestation of proximity to God. Jung is now adding to that proposition another: that a state of conflict is a symptom of proximity to God. Conflict means that one is in the vicinity of the paradoxical God nature, and that proximity has the effect of tearing one asunder into opposites. When that happens the prescription is to wait endure and wait for the third. […]

Here's another very important Jungian principle, that the opposites reside in the God-image. That means good and evil, as well as the other opposites, are attributes of the God-image itself. If the ego falls into an identification with either one of a pair of opposites, it is then on its way to the absurd result that Jung alludes to. It is easy enough to state this principle, but it is not so easy to integrate and apply in actual psychological life, because the early development of the ego is based on taking responsibility for everything that goes on in the psyche. So it requires a revolutionary change in attitude to posit the opposites as residing in the God-image rather than in the ego. Paragraph 740 contains a very important statement, a wonderful statement:

“Yahweh's decision to become man is a symbol of the development that had to supervene when man becomes conscious of the sort of God-image he is confronted with. God acts out of the unconscious of man and forces him to harmonize and unite the opposing influences to which his mind is exposed from the unconscious. The unconscious wants both: to divide and to unite. In his striving for unity, therefore, man may always count on the help of a metaphysical advocate, as Job clearly recognized. The unconscious wants to flow into consciousness in order to reach the light, but at the same time it continually thwarts itself, because it would rather remain unconscious. [Because it is composed of opposites, that is why it does these contradictory things.]



排中律 tertium non daturとは


That is to say, God wants to become man, but not quite.”
And from paragraph 746: The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have [passed] into his hands. And then finally, at the end of paragraph 747, there is this pregnant statement:
“Since he has been granted an almost godlike power, he can no longer remain blind and unconscious. He must know something of God's nature and of metaphysical processes if he is to understand himself and thereby achieve gnosis of the Divine.”
~Edward Edinger, Transformation of the God-Image, Pages 120-122.