
I always got a kick out of reading grumpy Jung when answering questions in lectures - the grumpy would come out when confronted with people getting tied in intellectual knots - as if divorced from their own experience.


マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ - "悪の問題"

In an interview MLvF spoke of how exasperated Jung was about his pupils who didn’t ‘get it’. Jung would say; “of all those pupils I’ve trained and they are still just kindergarten…”

An excerpt from an interview with von Franz, one of the most brilliant students and colleagues of Carl Jung.
1.01-- She tells of how exasperated Jung was about his pupils who didn’t ‘get it’. Jung would say; of all those pupils I’ve trained and they are still just kindergarten…
1.35—the problem of evil in society… the only thing you can do is one’s inner work. If benevolent teaching would help then we would have been out of trouble long ago, we get a lot of benevolent and reasonable teaching but it doesn’t help. So the only place where you can really put the hand on it and be with it, body to body, the problem of evil is in yourself and there you have the hope to change something… but the hope to change the world is a childish illusion. Go and tell Khomeini that he is possessed and he will cut your head off for it.
2.44—interviewer says; it seems almost impossible that enough people in our time would be wise enough or courageous enough to choose the inner way… it’s so tempting to be heroic and act outwardly… for example all over the world, the nuclear weapons and nuclear power that’s developing… it makes me want to jump up and run out and spend all my time and money to try to stop that rather than do the inner work.
Von Franz says; you’ll soon run up against some obscure affects where all your efforts get blocked.
4.00—if you work on your own problem then you might (be able to influence others) then you have done more than if you have gone in the street with an activist sign.
Marie-Louise von Franz - "The Problem of Evil"