~ バルタサル・グラシアン 









~ ハンス・デンク


"Know or listen to those who know." 
~ Baltasar Gracian 
"O my God, how does it happen in this poor world that you are so great and yet nobody finds you, that you call so loudly and yet nobody hears you, that you are so near and yet nobody feels you, that you give yourself to everybody and yet nobody knows your name? Men flee from you and say they cannot find you; they turn their backs and say they cannot see you; they stop their ears and say they cannot hear you." 
~ Hans Denck
Photo; Grandala Birds, India



一般的に "自己認識 "と呼ばれるものは、したがって、非常に限られた知識であり、それのほとんどは、人間の精神の中で何が起こっているかの社会的要因に依存しています。したがって、人は常に、そのような、そのようなことは、 "私たちと "または "私たちの家族の中で "または私たちの友人や知人の間では起こらないという偏見に直面している。一方で、人は、単にケースの真の事実を覆い隠すのに役立つ資質の存在の疑惑についても同様に幻想的な仮定を満たしています。
~CGユング、CW 10、パラ 491、492

~CGユング、C.W. 2、par. 609.

"東洋の宗教的実践の目標は、西洋の神秘主義のそれと同じです:自我から自己へ、人間から神への重心のシフト。これは、自我が自己の中で消え、神の中の人間であることを意味します。" ~CGユング、CW 11、パラ958。


「自己」は...同様に "私たちの中の神 "と呼ばれるかもしれません。

~CGユング, CW 7, パラ399.

~CGユング、CW 7、パラ399。

それは、キリストが神の子であるという事実にすでに表れています。~カール・ユング,CW 11,パラ233

"個別化とは究極的には宗教的なプロセスであり、それに対応する宗教的な態度を必要とする=自我の意志が神の意志に服従することを意味する。" ~カール・グスタフ・ユング『手紙』第二巻265ページ

自己の経験においては、以前のように「神」と「人間」という相反するものが和解するのではなく、むしろ神のイメージそのものの中にある相反するものが和解するのです。それが神の奉仕の意味であり、人間が神に与えることのできる奉仕の意味である。~CGユング、MDR p.338

神に固定されていない個人は、世界の物理的・道徳的な凡庸さに対して、自分の資源を使って抵抗することはできません。そのためには、内なる超越的な経験の証拠が必要であり、それだけで、大衆の中に沈んでしまうことは避けられないのです。~カール・ユング、CW 10、258ページ。


"It is a general truth that one can only understand anything in as much as one understands oneself" ~CG Jung, Zarathustra Seminar p.742

Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492

“All our thinking and acting, the vast bulk of which appears to us to be conscious, actually consist of all those little bits that are finely determined by innumerable impulses completely outside consciousness. To our ego-consciousness the association-process seems to be its own work, subject to its judgment, free will, and concentration; in reality, however, as our experiment beautifully shows, ego-consciousness is merely the marionette that dances on the stage, moved by a concealed mechanism.”
~CG Jung, C.W. 2, par. 609.

"The goal of Eastern religious practice is the same as that of Western mysticism: the shifting of the center of gravity from the ego to the self, from man to God. This means that the ego disappears in the self, and man in God." ~CG Jung, CW 11, Para 958.

“When the soul is totally lost, it finds that it is the very self it had sought for so long in vain. Here the soul is God. Here it enjoys supreme bliss. Here it is sufficient unto itself. Here it shines with its own radiance. Here, at last, it has found that the Kingdom of God is itself !”
~Meister Eckhart

[The Self]… might equally be called the “God within us”. ~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.

I have called this centre the self. Intellectually the self is no more than a psychological concept, a construct that serves to express an unknowable essence which we cannot grasp as such, since by definition it transcends our powers of comprehension. It might equally well be called the “God within us.” The beginnings of our whole psychic life seem to be inextricably rooted in this point, and all our highest and ultimate purposes seem to be striving towards it. This paradox is unavoidable, as always, when we try to define something that lies beyond the bourn of our understanding.
~CG Jung, CW 7, para 399.

If you learn about yourself and if eventually you discover more or less who you are, you also learn about God, and who He is. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 301.
“The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation.
But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms —amounts to God’s incarnation.
That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 233

"Individuation is ultimately a religious process which requires a corresponding religious attitude = the ego-will submits to God’s will." ~Carl Gustav Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 265.

In the experience of the self it is no longer the opposites "God" and "man" that are reconciled, as it was before, but rather the opposites within the God-image itself. That is the meaning of divine service, of the service which man can render to God, that light may emerge from the darkness, that the Creator may become conscious of His creation, and man conscious of himself. ~CG Jung, MDR p.338

The individual who is not anchored in God can offer no resistance on his own resources to the physical and moral blandishments of the world. For this he needs the evidence of inner, transcendent experience which alone can protect him from the otherwise inevitable submersion in the mass. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 258.





~エドワード・エジンガー『現代人・分断』講演会 youtube


真実は生きているのであって、教えられているのではない。" ~ヘルマン・ヘッセ
XIV 自己の構造とダイナミックス

前章で述べた例は、自我意識の根底にある元型の漸進的な同化と増幅を説明するのに十分である。不必要にその数を増やすのではなく、全体像が得られるように、それらを要約してみる。ヒッポリュトスが投下した様々なヒントから、グノーシス主義者(グノーシス主義)の多くが心理学者以外の何者でもないことは疑いの余地なく明らかである。このように、ヒッポリトゥスは彼らについて、「魂を見つけ出すのも理解するのも非常に難しい」と述べている1と報告している。"人間の知識は全体性の始まりであるが(τελείωσ鶩Ll_269糂汰)、神の知識は完全な全体性である(ἀπηρ鶩Ll_269攜走σμένη τελείωσ鶩Ll_269攜走σμένη)。" アレクサンドリアのクレメントは『ペダゴグス』(III, 1)の中で言っている。"それゆえ、自分自身を知ることは、すべての訓練の中で最も偉大なことである。そして、モノアイモスはテオフラストゥスへの手紙の中で次のように書いています:「自分の外から彼を求め、自分の中のすべてのものを所有しているものが誰であるかを知りなさい。もしあなたがこれらのことをよく調べれば、あなたは自分自身の中に、その小さな点(κεραία)のように、一つであり多元的な存在である彼を見つけることができるであろう。
~CGユング、CW 9ii, par. 347

"新しい神のイメージ" カール・ユング著
"意識のある創造主が、おそらく一千万年以上の歳月をかけて、意識を生み出すための回り道をしてきたのではないかという見方で古生物学のデータを考えると、必然的に、彼の行動を説明したいのであれば、彼の行動は、少なくとも非常に限定された意識を持つ存在と驚くほど似ているという結論に至るのです。今あるものと次のステップを認識しているにもかかわらず、彼は明らかに下心のある目標の予見も、それに到達する方法の知識も持っていない。このような意識は、必然的に、最も残酷な結果、病気、身体切除、恐ろしい戦い、すなわち、人生のあらゆる領域で起こったこと、そして今も起こっていることを、いくらでもエラーや障害を生み出すことになるだろう。(1975a, 312)." ユング

"As it gradually dawns on people, one by one, that the transformation of God is not just an interesting idea but is a living reality, it may begin to function as a new myth. Whoever recognizes this myth as his own personal reality will put his life in the service of this process. Such an individual offers himself as a vessel for the [continuing] incarnation of deity and thereby promotes the on-going transformation of God by giving Him human manifestation."
~Edward Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness, Page 113.

"The God-image is not a static entity. The archetype of the God-image—what we live by whether we know it or not—is part of a dynamic process. It means that in the course of the evolution of the human species and in the historical-cultural development of the human species, the God-image is a living entity, a living process that moves, that unfolds, that develops and undergoes transformations. That transformation process is also evident if one makes a historical examination of the facts of the collective psyche."
~Edward Edinger, The New God-Image

If the ego does not exist as a separate entity, then the god image does not really exist either. God is a consequence of consciousness, it is born in the human soul parallel to the nativity of Christ. That God requires conscious man in order to come into existence was first stated clearly by Meister Eckhart. He was a depth psychologist manqué.
~Edward Edinger, Commentary to Aion.

Looking back we can see that the god-image fell out of Heaven and into the human psyche. In the course of that fall out of metaphysical status, God-image undergoes an Enantiodromia. It turns from Christ to the antichrist. Was predicted in Revelation 12:12. From standpoint of Jungian Psychology, this is what happened in the 16th Century.
~Edward Edinger, Modern man/Individuation lecture. youtube

"All birth means separation from the All, the confinement within limitation, the separation from God, the pangs of being born ever anew. The return into the All, the dissolution of painful individuation, the reunion with God means the expansion of the soul until it is able once more to embrace the All."
~Hermann Hesse.

"The deity is within you, not in ideas and books.
Truth is lived, not taught." ~Hermann Hesse

The examples given in the previous chapter should be sufficient to describe the progressive assimilation and amplification of the archetype that underlies ego-consciousness. Rather than add to their number unnecessarily, I will try to summarize them so that an over-all picture results. From various hints dropped by Hippolytus, it is clear beyond a doubt that many of the Gnostics( グノーシス主義)were nothing other than psychologists. Thus he reports them as saying that “the soul is very hard to find and to comprehend,” 1 and that knowledge of the whole man is just as difficult. “For knowledge of man is the beginning of wholeness (τελείωσɩς), but knowledge of God is perfect wholeness (ἀπηρτɩσμένη τελείωσɩς).” Clement of Alexandria says in the Paedagogus (III, 1): “Therefore, as it seems, it is the greatest of all disciplines to know oneself; for when a man knows himself, he knows God.” And Monoïmos, in his letter to Theophrastus, writes: “Seek him from out thyself, and learn who it is that taketh possession of everything in thee, saying: my god, my spirit, my understanding, my soul, my body; and learn whence is sorrow and joy, and love and hate, and waking though one would not, and sleeping though one would not, and getting angry though one would not, and falling in love though one would not. And if thou shouldst closely investigate these things, thou wilt find Him in thyself, the One and the Many, like to that little point [κεραία], for it is in thee that he hath his origin and his deliverance.
~CG Jung, CW 9ii, par. 347

"The New God Image" by Carl Jung.
"When we consider the data of paleontology with the view that a conscious creator has perhaps spent more than a thousand million years, and has made, as it seems to us, no end of detours to produce consciousness, we inevitably come to the conclusion that - if we want to explain His doings at all - His behavior is strikingly similar to a being with an at least very limited consciousness. Although aware of the things that are and the next steps to take, He has apparently no foresight of an ulterior goal nor any knowledge of a way to reach it.Thus it would not be an absolute unconsciousness but rather a dim consciousness. Such a consciousness would necessarily produce any amount of errors and impasses with the most cruel consequences, disease, mutilation, and horrible fights, i.e., just the thing that has happened and is still happening throughout all realms of life. (1975a, 312)." Jung.

"ユングは全く新しい神のイメージを描いています。それは、絶対的な知識と無限の力を持っているにもかかわらず、それを知らなかったり、忘れてしまったり、あるいは、ユングが『ヨブへの答え』の中で述べているように、肝心な時に全知全能に相談することを忘れてしまったりする存在の姿である」(1969a, par, 634)と述べています。そのような神のイメージは、進歩的な自己実現を達成するために、人間の意識との相互作用を必要とする」(1969a, par, 634)。~エジンガー。


"自我は神の苦しみに参加している。私たちは神性の参加者となっている。私たちは、"奴隷 "の体で苦しんでいる神の器です(フィル2:6)。ブッダの洞察力とキリストの受肉は、それによって形而上学的、宇宙的な意味を獲得する悟りを開いた人間の意識の介入を介して鎖を破るキリストである。神の変容には、個性化と個人の存在が不可欠である。人間の意識は神の唯一の目である。C.G.ユング、『ニーチェのザラトゥストラ』336、409、書簡II. 314ff.

"人間の中に生まれようとする出現した神が、十分な数の意識的な個人によって人間化され、変容されなければ、その暗黒の側面は私たちを滅ぼしかねない。神の変容がただの興味深い考えではなく、生きている現実であることが、人々に一人ずつ徐々に明らかになってくると、それは新しい神話として機能し始めるかもしれない。この神話を自分の個人的な現実として認識している人は誰でも、自分の人生をこのプロセスのために捧げることになります。そのような個人は、神の受肉のための器として自分自身を提供し、それによって神に人間的な顕現を与えることによって、神の継続的な変容を促進します。そのような人は、自分の人生に意味があることを経験し、ユングの言葉の模範となるでしょう。"第三の神格者である聖霊が人間に内在することで、多くの人がキリスト化されます。~CGユング、『心理学と宗教』、CWⅡ、par. 758.

"私はもはや平均的な読者のことを考えることはできませんでした。むしろ、彼は私のことを考えなければならない。それが『ヨブ記の答え』を理解するのが難しい理由なのです。私は自分の老いの哀れな事実にこの賛辞を払わなければならなかった。全般的に理解不能な状態に陥る可能性が限りなくある中で、私は何の慰めもしないし、何かを得ることもできませんでした。裸ではなく、「裸で裸で墓場まで行かなければならない」のである。しかし、神を侮辱するために、私が召喚しなければならなかった傲慢さに比べれば、それは何なのでしょうか?. . この本は正統的な神像について書かれています。これは私たちの最大の関心事であり、神の一般的な哲学的概念ではありません。神は常に具体的であり、常に局所的に有効であり、そうでなければ神は無力である。西洋の神像は、私が知的に同意するかどうかにかかわらず、私にとって有効なものです。私は宗教哲学のために入っていくのではなく、押さえつけられて、押しつぶされそうになりながら、できる限り自分の身を守っています。. . . これは局所的で、野蛮で、幼稚で、ひどく非科学的なものである。"


"Jung describes a totally new God Image. It is the picture of an entity who may very well have absolute knowledge and boundless power, but does not know it or forgets it, or as Jung describes in "Answer to Job" forgets to consult his omniscience at crucial moments" (1969a, par, 634). Such a God Image requires an interaction with human consciousness in order to achieve progressive self-realization". ~Edinger.

"The creator sees himself through the eyes of man's consciousness, and consciousness is a second world-creator. This is Jung's new myth which I talk about in "The Creation of Consciousness" (Edinger 1984).

"The ego participates in God's suffering. We have become participants in the divine nature. We are the vessel - - of the Deity suffering in the body of the "slave" (Phil. 2:6). Buddha's insight and the incarnation is Christ break the chain through the intervention of the enlightened human consciousness which thereby acquires a metaphysical and cosmic significance. Individuation and individual existence are indispensable for the transformation of God. Human consciousness is the only seeing eye of the Deity. C.G. Jung, Nietzsche's Zarathustra, 336, 409, Letters II. 314ff.

“If the emergent God that wants to be born in man is not humanized and transformed by a sufficient number of conscious individuals, its dark aspect can destroy us. As it gradually dawns on people, one by one, that the transformation of God is not just an interesting idea but is a living reality, it may begin to function as a new myth. Whoever recognizes this myth as his own personal reality will put his life in the service of this process. Such an individual offers himself as a vessel for the incarnation of deity and thereby promotes the ongoing transformation of God by giving Him human manifestation. Such an individual will experience his life as meaningful and will be an example of Jung's statement: "The indwelling of the Holy Ghost, the third Divine Person, in man, brings about a Christification of many.” ~CG Jung, Psychology and Religion, CW II, par. 758.

~from: 'The Creation of Consciousness. Jung's Myth for Modern Man, chapter 4; The Transformation of God' by Edward F. Edinger.
In a letter to Erich Neumann concerning Answer to Job Jung refers to his experience of God in this way:
“I could no longer consider the average reader. Rather he has to consider me. [This is why it is so hard for us to understand Answer to Job, you see because this is the attitude he's writing it out of.] I had to pay this tribute to the pitiless fact of my old age. With the undimmed prospect of all-around incomprehension I could exercise no suasions and no captatio benevolentiae [currying favor]; there was no hope of funneling knowledge into fools. Not in my livery, but "naked and bare I must go down to the grave," fully aware of the outrage my nakedness will provoke. But what is that compared with the arrogance I had to summon up in order to be able to insult God? . . . The book is about the Canonical God-image. This is our prime concern, and not a general philosophical concept of God. God is always specific and always locally valid, otherwise he would be ineffectual. The Western God-image is the valid one for me, whether I assent to it intellectually or not. I do not go in for religious philosophy, but am held in thrall, almost crushed, and defend myself as best I can. . . . This is local, barbaric, infantile, and abysmally unscientific.”
~Letters, vol. 2, p. 32.

それがユングが持っていた神のイメージと神の経験の質であり、そこから『ヨブへの答え』が書かれたのです。その数日前に書かれた別の手紙では、『ヨブへの答え』についての問い合わせに対して、対応者がユングの皮肉についてコメントしています。あなたを怒らせることは私も気になりました。皮肉や嘲笑は避けたかったのですが、それが私の気持ちなので避けられませんでしたし、もしそう言わなければもっとひどいことになっていたでしょうが、隠していました。私はその後になって初めて、これらの言葉には、私たちを自分自身と対立させている神の性質に対する抵抗を表現するための場所があることに気づきました。私は、神が人間を通して求める自分自身の中の統一性を見つけるために、いわば神から自由な自分を引き剥がさなければならなかったのです。. . 皮肉は決してきれいなものではありませんが、私は父から自分自身を解放するために、自分が非難するあらゆる手段を使わざるを得ませんでした。神ご自身は、これらの人間の意識を揺さぶるために、非常に異なる手段を用いておられます。ドイツで起こったこと、ロシアで日々起こっていることが、まだ忘れられていないことを願っています。ヨブの苦しみは尽きることがなく、100万倍にもなります。私はそのことから目をそらすことができません。父と一緒にいることによって、私は彼が自分自身を統一し、一つになることができる人間を否定し、どのように私は自分自身が一つになることによってより良い彼を助けることができますか?. . . このことから、神を知ることがどれほど私を傷つけたか、また、私がどれほど父の保護の下で子供のままでいて、異性の問題を避けたかったかがわかります。自分を善から解放することは、悪から解放されるよりも難しいでしょう。しかし、罪がなければ、善なる父から離れることはできません。~同書、p. 28

モートン・ケルシーへの手紙の中で、ユングは神についての経験を語り続けています。ヤハウェの擬人化されたイメージについて議論する中で、ユングは次のように述べています。. . 私は形而上学的な判断はしません。この方法論的立場から、私は必要な批判の自由を得ています。ヤハウェに人間の道徳がないことは、自然、すなわち神の創造物が、人間的な意味での目的意識や合理性を持っていると信じるに足る十分な理由を与えてくれないのと同じくらい、見過ごすことのできないつまずきのブロックです。私たちは理性と道徳的価値観を見落としているのです。. . . それは、残忍な力と非倫理的で非霊的な心を擬人化したイメージでありながら、暴力的なパワードライブ(欲動)の他に優しさと寛大さの特徴を示すには十分に矛盾しているということです。それは一種の自然の悪魔のイメージであると同時に、巨大化した原始的な酋長のイメージでもある。. . この像は,その存在が(預言者たちのある経験に)起因している。. . 神のイメージのこの最も衝撃的な欠陥は,説明されるべきか,理解されるべきである。それに最も近い類推は、私たちの無意識の経験です:それは、その性質がパラドックスによってのみ記述することができる精神です:それは、個人的であると同時に非人称的であり、道徳的で非道徳的であり、正義と不正義であり、倫理的で非倫理的であり、狡猾な知性を持ち、同時に盲目であり、非常に強く、非常に弱いなどです。


That's the quality of the God-image and the God-experience that Jung had and out of which Answer to Job was written. In another letter written a few days earlier, he's replying to an inquiry about Answer to Job in which the correspendent had commented on Jung's sarcasm. What offends you bothered me too. I would have liked to avoid sarcasm and mockery but couldn't, for that is the way I felt and if I had not said so it would have been all the worse, but hidden. I realized only afterwards that they have their place as expressing resistance to God's nature, which sets us at odds with ourselves. I had to wrench myself free of God, so to speak, in order to find that unity in myself which God seeks through man. . . . Sarcasm is certainly not a pretty quality, but I am forced to use every means I find reprehensible in order to deliver myself from the Father. God himself uses very different means to jolt these human beings of his into consciousness. It has not yet been forgotten, I hope, what happened in Germany and what is happening day after day in Russia. Job's suffering never ceases and multiplies a millionfold. I cannot avert my eyes from that. By remaining with the Father, I deny him the human being in whom he could unify himself and become One, and how can I help him better than by becoming One myself? . . . Sarcasm is the means by which we hide our hurt feelings from ourselves, and from this you can see how very much the knowledge of God has wounded me, and how very much I would have preferred to remain a child in the Father's protection and shun the problem of opposites. It is probably even more difficult to deliver oneself from good than from evil. But without sin there is no breaking away from the good Father; sarcasm plays the corresponding role in this case. ~ibid., p. 28

In a letter to Morton Kelsey, Jung continues to speak of his experience of God: [In] discussing the admittedly anthropomorphic image of Yahweh . . . I do not apply metaphysical judgements. From this methodological standpoint I gain the necessary freedom of criticism. The absence of human morality in Yahweh is a stumbling block which cannot be overlooked, as little as the fact that Nature, i.e., God's creation, does not give us enough reason to believe it to be purposive or reasonable in the human sense. We miss reason and moral values. . . . It is therefore obvious that the Yahwistic image or conception of the deity is less than [that of] certain human specimens: the image of a personified brutal force and of an unethical and non-spiritual mind, yet inconsistent enough to exhibit traits of kindness and generosity besides a violent power-drive. It is the picture of a sort of nature-demon and at the same time of a primitive chieftain aggrandized to a colossal size. . . . This image owes its existence [to certain experiences of the prophets]. . . . This most shocking defectuosity of the God-image ought to be explained or understood. The nearest analogy to it is our experience of the unconscious: it is a psyche whose nature can only be described by paradoxes: it is personal as well as impersonal, moral and amoral, just and unjust, ethical and unethical, of cunning intelligence and at the same time blind, immensely strong and extremely weak, etc.
(from Transformation of the God-image by Edward Edinger, Page 15& 16.)




  12:1 その時、空には大きな不思議な光景が現れた。そこには、その服が太陽で、足の下に月があり、頭に十二の星の冠をかぶった女がいた。
  12:2 彼女は間もなく出産するところであったが、出産の痛みと苦しみで泣き叫んでいた。
  12:3 もう一つ、不思議な光景が空に現れた。七つの頭と十本の角を持ち、それぞれの頭に冠をかぶった巨大な赤い竜がいた。
  12:4 彼はその尾で空から星の三分の一を引きずり出し、地上に投げ捨てた。彼は、その子が生まれるとすぐに食べようと、女の前に立ちはだかった。
  12:5 そこで彼女は、鉄の棒ですべての国々を支配する男の子を産んだ。しかし、その子はさらわれ、神とその王座のもとに連れて行かれた。
  12:6 女は砂漠に逃げ、神が用意された場所に行き、そこで千二百六十日の間、世話をされることになった。
  12:7 その時、天で戦争が起こった。ミカエルとその天使たちは、竜と戦い、竜はその天使たちと共に反撃した。
  12:8 しかし、竜は敗れ、竜とその天使たちはもはや天にとどまることができなくなった。
  12:9 巨大な竜が投げ出された。それは、全世界を欺いた、悪魔またはサタンと名づけられた古代の蛇であった。彼は地上に投げ落とされ、その天使たちもすべて彼と一緒に投げ落とされた。
  12:10 そのとき、わたしは天で大声がするのを聞いた。「今や、神の救いが来たのだ。今、神の救いが来た! 今、神は王としての力を示された! 今、そのメシアはご自分の力を示された 今、神はそのメシアがその権威を示された。私たちの神の前に立ち、昼も夜も信者たちを非難していた者が、天から投げ出されたからだ。
  12:11 彼らは、小羊の血と、宣べ伝えた真理とによって、彼に勝利し、自分の命を捨て、死ぬこともいとわなかったのです。
  12:12 それで、天よ、そしてそこに住むすべての者よ、喜べ。しかし、地と海とは、なんと恐ろしいことだろう。悪魔があなたがたのところに降りて来て、怒りに満ちている。"自分に残された時間がわずかであることを知っているからだ。
  12:13 竜は自分が地上に投げ出されたことを知ると、男の子を産んだ女を追いかけ始めた。
  12:14 彼女は、砂漠にある自分の場所へ飛ぶために、大きな鷲の両翼を与えられ、そこで三年半の間、竜の攻撃から安全に保護されることになった。
  12:15 そのとき、竜はその口から、女を運び去るように水の洪水を女の後に注いだ。
  12:16 しかし、地は女を助け、口を開いて、竜の口から出た水を飲み込んだ。
  12:17 竜は女に激怒し、その子孫の残りの者、すなわち神の戒めに従い、イエスによって啓示された真理に忠実なすべての者と戦うために出かけた。
  12:18 ドラゴンは海辺に立った。

  12:1 Then a great and mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a woman, whose dress was the sun and who had the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.
  12:2 She was soon to give birth, and the pains and suffering of childbirth made her cry out.
  12:3 Another mysterious sight appeared in the sky. There was a huge red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and a crown on each of his heads.
  12:4 With his tail he dragged a third of the stars out of the sky and threw them down to the earth. He stood in front of the woman, in order to eat her child as soon as it was born.
  12:5 Then she gave birth to a son, who will rule over all nations with an iron rod. But the child was snatched away and taken to God and his throne.
  12:6 The woman fled to the desert, to a place God had prepared for her, where she will be taken care of for 1,260 days.
  12:7 Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, who fought back with his angels;
  12:8 but the dragon was defeated, and he and his angels were not allowed to stay in heaven any longer.
  12:9 The huge dragon was thrown out-that ancient serpent, named the Devil, or Satan, that deceived the whole world. He was thrown down to earth, and all his angels with him.
  12:10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, "Now God's salvation has come! Now God has shown his power as King! Now his Messiah has shown his authority! For the one who stood before our God and accused believers day and night has been thrown out of heaven.
  12:11 They won the victory over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which they proclaimed; and they were willing to give up their lives and die.
  12:12 And so be glad, you heavens, and all you that live there! But how terrible for the earth and the sea! For the Devil has come down to you, and he is filled with rage, because he knows that he has only a little time left."
  12:13 When the dragon realized that he had been thrown down to the earth, he began to pursue the woman who had given birth to the boy.
  12:14 She was given the two wings of a large eagle in order to fly to her place in the desert, where she will be taken care of for three and a half years, safe from the dragon's attack.
  12:15 And then from his mouth the dragon poured out a flood of water after the woman, so that it would carry her away.
  12:16 But the earth helped the woman; it opened its mouth and swallowed the water that had come from the dragon's mouth.
  12:17 The dragon was furious with the woman and went off to fight against the rest of her descendants, all those who obey God's commandments and are faithful to the truth revealed by Jesus.
  12:18 And the dragon stood on the seashore.