
Skepticism is thus a resting-place for human reason, where it can reflect upon its dogmatic wanderings and make survey of the region in which it finds itself, so that for the future it may be able to choose its path with more certainty. But it is no dwelling-place for permanent settlement. Such can be obtained only through perfect certainty in our knowledge, alike of the objects themselves and of the limits within which all our knowledge of objects is enclosed.
-Immanuel Kant


"確実性の探求は意味の探求を妨げる "不確実性は人間が力を発揮するための条件そのものである。" ~エリック・フロム




"錬金術の言語に特徴的なパラドックスの豊富さは、夢のようにぼんやりとしか見分けられない、あるいは経験されない無意識の内容を表現しようとしていたという事実によって説明することができる。明確な記述は、意識に照らされた領域、すなわち合理的思考によって解明される概念や事実についてのみ可能である。意識を超越したもの、無意識の領域内にあるものは、パラドックスによってのみ適切に記述することができる。"紛れもない陳述は現存するものについてのみ可能であり、超越的なものはパラドックスによってのみ表現することができる」とユングは述べています。想像力と思索を駆使して、昔の巨匠たちは、物質だけでなく精神でもある物質を見つけ出そうと努力していました。彼らはそれを「難解な物質」と呼び、無限のパラドックスとアンチノミーによってそれを把握しようとしたのです。ユングの解釈的比較によって、それは無意識の象徴であることが示された。" ~アニエラ・ジャッフェ『ユングの生涯と仕事』61頁

"無意識がこのように仕組んだのか?" "悪への回り道をしなければ 善は達成できないと知っているからではないか?"





"The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” ~Erich Fromm.

"You have bits of bird-doubt that will not let you lift and fly. You flap your wings, imitating flight, but you don’t move. You want certainty before you test it out. Intellect thirsts for certainty, while being certain wants vision and intuition..."

[That is why we can also say that doubt is a higher state than certainty. He who doubts can see both possibilities. It is pleasant for us when certainty is attained, but it must not last too long for certainty is not life.]
“A priori contradictions will always appear in life.
The words of the Bible and the sayings of Christ are paradox.
We too must be paradox, for only then do we live our lives, only then do we reach completeness and integration of our personalities.
To be whole is to be full of contradictions.
The unity never becomes apparent because the opposites within us operate and mingle in various ways and it is their interaction that makes the whole man. The complete human being, the hermaphrodite, is never visible. He is indescribable, always a mystical experience.

That which shows itself is always paradoxical so there is no uniform image of the personality. Biographies seem so unreal because they attempt to give a consistent picture of someone's personality.
The visible image of man is that he is both Christ and the Devil at the same time; the image is truthful only when it is ambiguous and paradoxical.
That is why we can also say that doubt is a higher state than certainty. He who doubts can see both possibilities. It is pleasant for us when certainty is attained, but it must not last too long for certainty is not life.”
~Carl Jung, Ostrowski-Sachs Conversations, p. 40

“The profusion of paradoxes which is characteristic of alchemical language can be explained by the fact that the adepts were seeking to express unconscious contents only dimly discerned or experienced as in a dream. Clear Statements are possible only in an area illuminated by consciousness, i.e., about concepts and facts that can be elucidated by rational thought. What transcends consciousness, what falls within the realm of the unconscious, can be adequately described only by paradoxes. “Unequivocal Statements can be made only in regard to immanent objects; transcendental ones can be expressed only by paradox,” says Jung. Through imagination and speculation the old masters were endeavoring to find or to produce a matter that was not only matter but also spirit. They called it the “arcane substance,” and they sought to grasp it by an infinity of paradoxes and antinomies. Jung’s interpretive comparisons have shown it to be a symbol of the unconscious.” ~Aniela Jaffé, From the Life and Work of C.G. Jung, p. 61

“We might ask, Has the unconscious arranged it like this because it knows that in no other way, without this detour into evil, can any good be accomplished?“
~Carl Jung, Ostrowski-Sachs Conversations, p. 48

“This is the great difficulty: the ordinary mind can only think one thing and cannot at the same time think the other thing.
He cannot think of a thing that is and is not, for that is impossible; but the man of superior mind is superior only because he can think in paradoxes.” ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, Page 281

"Oddly enough the paradox is one of our most valuable spiritual possessions, while uniformity of meaning is a sign of weakness. Hence a religion becomes inwardly impoverished when it loses or waters down its paradoxes; but their multiplication enriches because only the paradox comes anywhere near to comprehending the fullness of life. Non- ambiguity and non- contradiction are one- sided and thus unsuited to express the incomprehensible."
~Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion

The difference between most people and myself is that for me the "dividing walls" are transparent. That is my peculiarity. Others find these walls so opaque that they see nothing behind them and therefore think nothing is there. To some extent I perceive the processes going on in the background, and that gives me an inner certainty. People who see nothing have no certainties and can draw no conclusions - or do not trust them even if they do. I do not know what started me off perceiving the stream of life. Probably the unconscious itself. Or perhaps my early dreams. They determined my course from the beginning. ~Carl Jung, MDR, Pg.355-366.