inner City Books

"哲学や科学だけでなく、文学や視覚芸術における芸術的創造は、内なるビジョンの化身である。それは人間の文化化のプロセスの証拠である。芸術的な創造は社会のために夢が個人のために行うのと同じ機能をはるかに果たしている。彼らは私たちが本当に何であるかを私たちに明らかにする鏡です。夢は私たちに私たちの個人的な運命のダイナミクスを明らかにします。芸術は、社会の集合的な時代精神を明らかにします。 真の芸術家の場合には、これらの2つの機能が1つになります。個人の夢やビジョンは、超人的な世界の精神の表現と同一のものになります。

ネキア "ホメロスの『オデュッセイア』から借用した言葉で、冥界への降下を意味し、心理学的には集団的無意識との出会いを意味する。"

Edward F. Edinger wrote Melville’s Moby-Dick: An American Nekyia as both an examination of what an artist is, and how this novel explores a confrontation with the collective unconscious, as traditional religious structures can no longer carry mankind's projection of the numinous. 
It is Edinger's trademark to load a slim volume with many fascinating layers of symbolic and psychological analysis, with important implications for our consciousness as humans. This book is no exception.
Here are his comments about the nature of the Artist: (from the introduction):
"Artistic creation, in philosophy and science as well as literature and the visual arts, is inner vision incarnate. It is evidence of the human acculturating process. Artistic creations perform for society much the same function that dreams perform for the individual. They are the mirror that reveals to us what we really are. Dreams reveal to us the dynamics of our personal destiny. Art makes manifest the collective Zeitgeist of society.  In the case of the true artist these two functions become one. The individual artist suffers the fate of society; personal dreams and visions become identical with the expressions of the transpersonal world spirit.
If this be true, it is small wonder that an artist may have a disturbed personal life. It is not so much that one’s life explains one’s art; it is rather than one’s function as artist explains one’s personal life. The objective psyche has commandeered the artist as mouthpiece. The artist has little to say in the matter. The gift is thrust upon one, and yet one “must pay dearly for the divine gift of creative fire.” (Jung, “Psychology and Literature, CW 15)
Nekyia: “A term borrowed from Homer’s Odyssey signifying a descent of the underworld; psychologically, an encounter with the collective unconscious.”
Illustration by Ekaterina Valinakova.
(accessed via Creative Commons)


おすすめ · 6月30日 22:54 ·
本: [広告]

English Literature info
おすすめ  · 6月30日 22:54  · 
Moby Dick or The Whale is a novel by Herman Melville, first published in 1851. It is a classic work of American literature and is considered one of the greatest novels ever written.
The novel tells the story of Ishmael, a sailor who signs up for a whaling voyage as a way to escape from the land and his own inner demons. The ship’s captain, Ahab, is obsessed with hunting and killing a giant white sperm whale, which he believes has caused him great harm. The whale, which Ahab refers to as “Moby Dick,” becomes the ultimate object of Ahab’s obsession and the driving force behind the voyage.
As the ship sets sail, Ishmael becomes drawn into Ahab’s quest, and the two men, along with the rest of the crew, embark on a dangerous and tumultuous journey across the ocean. Along the way, they encounter various obstacles and dangers, including storms, pirates, and clashes with other whales.
Despite the challenges they face, Ahab remains determined to capture and kill Moby Dick, no matter what the cost...
The novel explores themes of obsession, madness, and the destructive power of nature. It is a complex and nuanced work that has been widely admired and studied by readers and critics alike.
In Moby Dick, Melville reflects on evil as represented in the principal characters: on the one hand the whale, which represents senseless evil, as it destroys everything it comes across; on the other hand Captain Ahab, who represents a stubborn evil, as his personal hatered and desire for revenge makes him hunt the whale down, even though he is putting his men's lives at risk.
The novel raises many religious and philosophical questions and has many allusions to themes from the Bible.
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