


Synchronicity and the Self: the Rainmaker Story

最後に、中国人は「"雨乞いを連れてくる "」と言いました。そして別の州から、干上がった老人が現れました。彼が求めたのはどこかの静かな小さな家だけで、そこで彼は3日間自分を閉じ込めました。






p。 419-20 Mysterium Coniunctionis:Inquiry into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy、vol 14 Bollingen Series XX:The Collected Works of C.G. Jung、2d edition、trans by R.F.C.ハル、プリンストン大学出版局1976

「ティナ・ケラーは戦後、ユングを訪ねて、自分が関わっている社会的な活動に「声を貸してほしい」と頼みました。すると彼は冷ややかな目で、"私は今、錬金術の研究をしている "と言ったそうです。その冷淡さに彼女は驚いた。ハンナによると、1944年以降、彼はパーソナリティーNo.2からほとんど出なくなった。ハンナがボリンゲンにいる彼を訪ねると、彼は「キュスナハトからすぐには来ないで、キュスナハトの空気が抜けるまで数日待ってくれ」と言ったという。これは、道教の聖人が雨乞いをして、数日間、一人で小屋に座り、タオの中に身を置くことによってのみ、土地の呪いを解くことができたという話を非常に彷彿とさせる。私たちには魔法陣、静寂の曼荼羅が必要なのです」。

“Tina Keller, after the war, visited Jung to ask him to "lend his voice" to some social cause du jour she was involved with. She said he looked at her coldly and said, "I'm working on alchemy now." His detachment astonished her. Hannah said after 1944 he rarely ever left Personality No. 2. When she visited him at Bollingen, he insisted she not come straight from Kusnacht, but wait a few days until the air of Kusnacht had left her. All this is very reminiscent of the rainmaker story of the Taoist sage who could only lift the curse on the land by sitting alone in a hut for a few days, settling into the Tao. We need a magic circle, a mandala of stillness.”
“.. even to believe in finding real solutions through politics or economics or social change is for Jung an unfailing sign of psychological inflation.”
~Catafalque, Peter Kingsley




from Mysterium Coniunctionis

There was a great drought where [Richard] Wilhelm lived; for months there had not been a drop of rain and the situation became catastrophic. The Catholics made processions, the Protestants made prayers, and the Chinese burned joss-sticks and shot off guns to frighten away the demons of the drought, but with no result.


Finally the Chinese said, ‘We will fetch the rain-maker.’ And from another province a dried up old man appeared. The only thing he asked for was a quiet little house somewhere, and there he locked himself in for three days.
On the fourth day the clouds gathered and there was a great snow-storm at the time of the year when no snow was expected, an unusual amount, and the town was so full of rumours about the wonderful rain-maker that Wilhelm went to ask the man how he did it.

In true European fashion he said: ‘They call you the rain-maker; will you tell me how you made the snow?’

And the little Chinese said: ‘I did not make the snow; I am not responsible.’

‘But what have you done these three days?’

‘Oh, I can explain that. I come from another country where things are in order. Here they are out of order; they are not as they should be by the ordinance of heaven. Therefore the whole country is not in Tao, and I also am not in the natural order of things because I am in a disordered country.

So I had to wait three days until I was back in Tao and then naturally the rain came.’”

p. 419-20 Mysterium Coniunctionis: an Inquiry into the Separation and Synthesis of Psychic Opposites in Alchemy, vol 14 Bollingen Series XX: The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, 2d edition, trans by R.F.C. Hull, Princeton University Press 1976


In his commentary about the Rainmaker story, Jung writes:

“…but if one thinks psychologically, one is absolutely convinced that things quite naturally take this way [speaking of the rainmaker’s ability to create rain]. If one has the right attitude then the right things happen. One doesn’t make it right, it is just right, and one feels it has to happen in this way. It is just as if one were inside of things. If one feels right, that thing must turn up, it fits in. It is only when one has a wrong attitude that one feels that things do not fit in, that they are queer. When someone tells me that in his surroundings the wrong things always happen, I say: It is you who are wrong, you are not in Tao; if you were in Tao, you would feel that things are as they have to be. Sure enough, sometimes one is in a valley of darkness, dark things happen, and then dark things belong there, they are what must happen then; they are nonetheless in Tao”.


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「徳の高い人は水のようなもので、苦労せずに万物に利益をもたらす。 それはタオの近くの最も低い場所にあります。 したがって、住居においては、慎み深く、思考において、静寂を大切にし、他者との接し方において、親切であること、言葉を選ぶこと、誠実であること、導くこと、公正であること、働くこと、有能であること、行動すること、正しいタイミングを選択すること。 この言葉に従っておけば間違いはありません。」
『道経経』第 8 節 (ロバート・ブルックス訳)

“The person of higher virtue is like water, benefiting the ten thousand things without struggle. It rests in the lowest places near the Tao. Therefore: In dwelling, choose modest quarters, in thinking, value stillness, in dealing with others, be kind, in choosing words, be sincere, in leading, be just, in working, be competent, in acting, choose the correct timing. Follow these words and there will be no error.”
Tao Te Ching, Verse 8 (translated by Robert Brooks)