Isn’t it too late to be serious about taking exams? #2


As a father, I think I put an expectation on my son that a man should have a college degree.

You might say I am old-fashioned. But for me at least, the title of "National University Graduate" was proof of success, even if it was not something to boast about. In fact, I can't deny that I have benefited from it to a greater or lesser extent from employment to marriage. That's why I was not at peace when I found out that my son was only thinking about "a high school somewhere" (= anywhere is fine) when he was choosing a high school as a prelude to going to college.






Then, one day when the first semester was about to end, K said, "What kind of high school can I go to? What about XXX High School? Do you know anything about YYY high school?" K asked in rapid succession.

It seemed that he was inspired by S, a neighbor who goes to the same school but is different in class.

S was a childhood friend of K's, but since they were in different classes in junior high school and he was passionate about club activities, their communication was getting less than before.

What made K impress about S was the fact that he had started preparation for the JHS enrollment exam already by studying at a cram school in April. And this time, S invited K to Summer Intensive Course, run by the cram school, to use the fee discount system.

A couple of years ago, S was just a kind friend, got on each other, but now he is in Exam mode. That made him think a lot.









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