How can we cope with COVID-19 and Heatstroke?




At the end of May, several students complained of feeling ill, during the rehearsal of sports day, and were taken to the hospital.

It happened in one of the junior high schools in Fukuoka Prefecture. They seemed to be suffered from heatstroke. After the treatment at the hospital, like intravenous drips, they all recovered and could go home.





This incident shows us how it is difficult to cope with group events in the present situation. The school has to do both keeping anti-COVID-19 measure and being careful with heat stroke of this season.

Those students got ill because they probably wore masks while they were in competition under the sun.





I think the school should have to have told them to take off masks when they are in the school field for competition. As we all know, however, masks are not the all-mighty items to block viruses. It is much smaller than a mesh of masks.




This is only my opinion, but to suggest keeping half of the students inside the schoolhouse at the sports day event. Conventionally, all the students come out to the school field to make a huge cheering party. But how about dividing them into two groups to take a turn in cheering up their own group. By reducing the number of students on the field, we can avoid both heatstroke and virus, I guess.




Of course, this idea is also not the best, but I think we need to exchange our thoughts to make the situation better.







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