Things to fear: earthquakes, thunder, fires and, most of all, toxic parents.


Ms. B is one of my colleagues. In appearance, she is just an ordinal middle-aged woman but, in fact, is very capable and brilliant.

Last two years, I worked with her as a team and came to aware of her work is beyond the average.

Must be a graduate from high ranked Univ. than that of mine”, I thought. So I was curious about her educational background and talked with her.








Some say, to ask someone’s academic background is harassment, but it is not the case with those who are confident with it.

As an opportunity is given, they are willing to tell you about how they were special and smart in school life.

Ms. B also told me about it with no hesitation.




She was brought up in a well-off family and went to private institutions from kindergarten to university, which was all excellent level.

During the conversation, it turned out that we are the same in the school year. That made me realize how the environment of the two of us is so different.

I grew up in the countryside, and as a son of a humble farmer who didn’t care about children’s education.




Your parents are wonderful, loved you so much to poured out everything for the best education.”, I said.

Yes, in a way, but too much sometimes, especially my mother. I did not like her at all as I was young, and unresolved something is still in my mind,” said her.


「素晴らしいご両親ですね。 Bさんを愛して最高の教育のためにすべてを注ぎこんだんだから」と私がいうと、



According to Ms. B, her mother was very strong in character, dominated the little B, and instructed every detail of her move from morning till night. Such teaching from the mother covered the way to speak, and moral judgment of B’s life.




It was good as long as B was little and obedient enough to her mother. But when she became a pupil of primary school and compared her family with others, her feeling of trust turned into fear for too much intervention from the mother. Finally, young B began to show a rebellious attitude toward her mother as she became a teenager. Yet, her mother did not change her attitude, so the battle between the mother and daughter got harder day by day till B got finally independent by leaving her parents’ house.




Now, Ms. B has her own family, is living with her husband and grown-up children. As a mother, Ms. B has been careful of making good relationships with her own daughter and they get along.

But still, there is some ill-feeling left on Ms. B toward her mother, so she doesn’t contact her unless there is something necessary.





Mother’s feelings and expectations are different by gender of the child. It is often the case, boys grow up without knowing the negative side of their mother. For some girls, however, the mother is toxic,” she said.




Yes, she is right, I thought.

An old proverb says, Earthquakes, thunder, fires and, most of all, Father, but ‘Father’ changed to ‘toxic parents’, nowadays. We basically cannot escape from those disasters. If a parent is toxic, influence to the children is inevitable. Ms. B’s story made me think about what is the appropriate role of parents. Because it seems to me that Ms.B’s drastic working style would be an outcome of the toxic mother.  








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