Pet parakeet flew to heaven.



Pearl-chan, a pet parakeet in our family, flew away to heaven this morning. It was a beautiful white male bird. When he came to our house, 5 years ago, he was just a newborn chick and learned a lot of human words as he grew up.




He loved us and so did we. Particularly, M, the elder son of mine was his favorite. As M came back home, saying “I’m home”, Pearl used to fly to his shoulder and stayed there.

Happy days with him will last for many more years, every one of us thought so, but around one month ago, my wife sensed something unusual happening to him. He didn’t speak out any word he had learned before, rather kept quiet.





So she took him to an animal doctor, expecting him to be better and healthier, but the explanation of the vet pulled her down to the bottom of sorrow. There was a tumor in his abdomen, simply speaking, cancer grew within his body. We, humans, can have an operation to remove the tumor but it was not the best solution for birds because they could die immediately from the shock of the operation.




We could do nothing but looked over him since then. He got weakened day by day and finally breathed its last in my wife’s hands in this morning.




It was such small life.

Usually, parakeet lives for five to ten years, and Pearl lived for 5 years and 8 months. It would be a rather short life and now all of my family feel we spent together just in a couple of weeks.





Maybe we can just buy a new chick from a pet shop but Pearl was an irreplaceable one with which we have many happy memories. Life is precious because it cannot be copied or restored once it has gone.




This was not a lesson only for my children but for me as well.

Life is irreplaceable and irreversible.

I strongly thought that I need to live, day by day, with gratitude in my heart. 









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