Gender gap in entrance exam in Tokyo.



The passing line at the entrance examination for Tokyo metropolitan high school is different between male and female students because different standards are applied by gender to the number of students admitted. Mainichi news said.




In fact, the passing line for girls was higher than boys at some 40 high schools of the past entrance examination from 2015 to 2020. Tokyo Metropolitan Education Committee ordered corrective action for those schools but situation seems not to be better. In a case, girls passing line was 243 points higher than that of boys on a 1000 point scale, and in other case, 20 girls applicants failed although they gained more than boys’ minimum passing line.




This case reminds me of the past problems with inappropriate admissions at some medical universities. In those case also, female applicants were rejected by manipulation of the university, which led to lawsuits later. However, I also heard that female graduates of medical universities tend to avoid hard work in hospitals. Such reality of the medical field made the ratio of male doctors increased as a consequence.



This is a bit off topic, but regarding the issue of the gender gap in the entrance examinations for metropolitan high schools, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) says, "In general terms, it is undesirable for students to be treated differently depending on their gender without any rational reason, but we believe that the gender-based capacity system is adopted by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government because it is deemed 'reasonable.




There seems to be reasons why they adopted the system and I saw some comments from readers of the article, which tells us the situation is not the simple to discuss based on just fair or unfair ground.  We need to have more explanation on this issue. 







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