Rewrite past blog, refresh my motivation.




Tidy up my room2021version

Tidy up is over, at last. How messy my room had been!

It took FIVE DAYS to put everything in order.

I wouldn’t have started if I knew it was so hard.

The most difficult task, this time, was acres of books I had carried for many years.

Many regrets to say farewell to around forty books from dusty bookshelf.

Some were preserved well just as brand new.

Seeing the pile of books, my wife suggested me to sell them at Amazon market place.

Actually, some were priced over 500 yen in Amazon, which was definitely higher than the most of secondhand shop. Then, how much can I possibly earn from those books?

Suddenly, my mind was unsettled.

B, But wait!

Does it mean I have to keep them till each one of them find new owner?




にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ



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