YUTABON, Revolutionist or disturbing YouTuber?


 Many arguments are going around the Kid revolutionist YUTABON and his father.

In my opinion, the idea of home schooling should be more accepted in Japanese society.


I love going to school myself. I could make friends, study new subjects and have precious experiences in school life.


On the other hand, when I was schooler, I saw a few students could not enjoy school life.

 I thought because they failed to fit themselves into school system. 

Such idea, however, missed wholistic view on those ones. That's how I see it now.


Some kids have difficulty with being still for long time in a class, others are extremely gifted in sports or arts and have no curiosity on conventional subject, like math or literature.


There is also serious problem, bullying, in current school system, which is not easy to solve, because almost impossible for one teacher can do to help every 40 students.


On the other hand, it turns out because of recent COVID-19 pandemic, the development of information technology make us possible to learn school subjects at home, without gathering in a school-like setting.


I am sure that alternative education, like, home schooling and distance learning will be more flourish in the future.


Just I think I would like to leave a message to YUTABON and his father. 

Your way of education would be nice to you but so much oriented to performance on YouTube.

You say "Don't bother me! I do what I want." and "You, kids who goes to school, are like robots of parents and teachers."

But If you ask others to let you be free to do, you also shouldn't say anything bad on their choice of going to school.







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