Principles to achieve fluency




This is the summary of the latter part of Lydia Mahova‘s speech at TED.

In addition to enjoy on language learning, she mentions three more principles to achieve fluency in a foreign language.


【Effective Methods】

If someone wants to keep vocabulary in long term, revise them in the course of a few days repeatedly. 

This way, space repetition, can be practiced with apps like Anki or Memorise. 

Using the Goldlist method is also popular among polyglots.


My comment :

 Memorizing vocabulary is one of the most boring parts of language study. 

But polyglots don’t ignore or try to avoid the process. 

They are the ones who look for effective methods to keep the words of other language in their mind.


【Create a System】

The third principle to follow is to create a system in our daily lives.

Although we are all busy, has no time to spare language study, but still can make the time if we plan a bit ahead.

 If we create a system in our learning, we don't need to find that extra time, because it will become a part of our everyday life.


My comment :

“Create a System” can be rephrased as “making a habit of learning” in our daily lives. 

Some play games everyday and others watch videos on TV or Web everyday. 

Yes, we say we have no time for study, but actually spend a lot of time for our pleasure. If language learning can be a fun to do, definitely plenty of time left for us.



We need also a bit of patience.

It's not possible to learn a language within two months, but it's definitely possible to make a visible improvement in two months. 

If we learn in small chunks every day in a way that we enjoy, and there is nothing that motivates us more than our own success.


My comment :

We all know that patience is needed for language study.

But don’t know it bring us the feeling of improvement after a certain time period.

Many Japanese is chasing good points of TOEIC, what is more important is personal feeling of own success that motivates us.







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