A Polyglot talk made me motivated



Last week, I watched one of TED talks on YouTube.

It was, “The secrets of learning a new language” by Lydia Machova.

She talked about polyglots, people who know and is able to use several languages.

We know “bilingual” or “trilingual” who can speak two or three languages.

But polyglot can do even more!

The speaker, Lydia, for instance, can speak eight languages and learns new language every two years. 

I was so amazed. They must be super gifted people, at least not like me, 

I thought. Probably, majority of people think the same as me.


But Lydia denies such idea.


“We are not geniuses and we have no shortcut to learning languages.

We simply found ways how to enjoy the process, 

how to turn language learning from a boring school subject into a pleasant activity 

which you don't mind doing every day.”


These words gave me a new insight to my language study.

“To enjoy the process” and “pleasant activity”.

Have I ever had an idea if my study is enjoyable or pleasant?

I need to think about these points more to change my study life.

Or maybe just jump into the different way of life which I can feel more happiness with language learning.





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