3 reasons why I didn’t update my blog




I have been stopping to update my blog for more than a year.

There are a couple of reasons to make me hesitate to type any word on it.


First, I could not see dramatic improvement on my writing skill.

I would say, I got used to expressing my thoughts and opinions in English but more I wrote more I was disappointed. Because there seems to be a huge gap between my writing and writings of native English speaker.

I couldn’t get rid of a feeling that I can never be like them.


The second reason is the fact that my blog is simply unpopular.

It is not only my English writing is poor and unattractive but something is missing, which can draw people’s attention. Maybe, I need to give high priority to web-design and marketing.

 Come to think of it, I had never thought about target readers or people who will be interested in what I write. I was writing my daily deeds and thoughts on blog because that was what diary for. But it is not enough! Who would be interested in daily life of common people?


Finally, I have been more involved to other SNS, like Facebook, during the time period.

Although number of FB friend is small, it was easy and secure to upload my private in the closed community. So didn’t have time to look into my blog.


These are the reasons why I have not updated.

Well, then, next time I will write why I was re-motivated to start again.





にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記(英語のみ)へ



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