Being Tired with Golden Week.


One of my FB friends is lively guy, good father, brimming with curiosity and posting his leisure activity to FB every weekend. So, his FB account is filled with happy selfies. This time he got 9 consecutive holidays with full of special schedule but… something went wrong. He told me (actually he is my neighbor and met him by chance near his house) that he already got tired with GW because the leisure schedule is too tight. Besides, he has to serve to his family from early morning to late night, which usually not happens in ordinal weekend.

It is a kind of complaining about something most people would love, but understandable, I thought. Many employed men, included me and the guy, go to work place in the morning and come back in the evening. This everyday practice makes our body accustomed to be fit in various business occasions. Ironically, that’s why, long vacations with special schedule would give more stress to our minds and bodies by breaking this daily routing activity.

I didn’t take a day off yesterday and it was probably lucky for me. I could have a seat in the commuter trains, which are usually hell packed in the morning and the night. Business was slow and not stressful because a lot of workers were having holiday. It is good to have a day off day in the office.



