Festival for Shoes manufacturers.



Is it a Shinto festival or just a bargain sale? A couple of days ago, there was “Kon-kon Shoes Market” at Tamahime-Inari shrine (玉姫稲荷神社), locates in Taito Ward, Tokyo. I visited there.

This shrine has over 1200 years of history and from the last century, shoes manufacturers increased in number among the Shrine Parishioner. They believe that their shoe business had been and will be protected under the local deity, therefore, Kon-kon Shoes Market, held in Shrine precinct is not contradicted with their faith at all. In fact, while Shinto priest holds a ceremony for ragged out shoes, around 30 shoe manufacturers sell their products at the wholesale price, which is inexpensive than ordinal price. Many people gathered from the morning and bought pair of shoes. I also bought one for me.  

