“Do you know how much money YouTuber earns in a month?” asked my daughter.
“Uh.. Maybe 50 thousand yen.” I answered.
“No, they earn around 63 hundred thousand yen!”
"No kidding!?"
Recently, she attended 3 days job experience program which is a part of curriculum in her middle high school. Before the program, students learn about jobs and careers in school and after the job experience they make a report about what they did and what they want to be in the future.
During the report writing, my daughter found an interesting book “The Picture Book of Salaries and Jobs in Japan”. It is guidance for students to think about their future career. You can see that the editor’s choice is very inclined towards jobs which could be attractive in young people’s eyes.
Besides, average income is directory written for each job.
For example, voice actor (160K yen/month), professional gamer (300K yen/month), reader model (50K yen/month), costume-player (160K yen/month) and so on.
I have never thought about reader model or costume-player can be a “career”.
And there is YouTuber. It says that the monthly earning is 6340K yen per month..
But under the income, it is written with small letters “in case of famous YouTubers”.
In fact, most of YouTubers can earn some thousands yen at the most. But from children’s eyes, famous YouTubers are a kind of stars which they can reach with camera and PC. It made me anxious on their view to jobs.