Title : Sarah’s Surprise

Series : Foundations Reading Library Level 1

Author : Rob Warning, Maurice Jamall

Publisher : THOMSOM

Published : 2006


Story :

It was the first day for Sarah to work at a café Lagoon which is run by Mrs. Hayes. She was introduced to her colleague Ji-Sung. Mrs. Hayes showed how to make coffee and ice cream so Sarah began to work as a clerk. While Mrs. Hayes was absent, a big man came into the shop. He put sandwiches and apple to his bag as he knew Mrs. Hayes was not there. He didn’t pay anything and gone. Seeing what the man doing, Sarah was so surprised and called the police…


Comments :

The punch line of this story is that the strange man is husband of Mrs. Hayes. I think nevertheless, the man had to explain to Sarah who he was. 


Length : 526 words  Reading total : 8048 words.



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