Recently, a graduation thesis is drawing people’s attention in Japan. It is written by Yuka Kudo, student of Tohoku Gakuin University, who has taken sociology as her major. What she tackled with was “Ghost phenomena after Great Earthquake”.

As you know, Japan experienced great earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 and they brought heavy damage widely in East North part of the country. Around 16000 lives lost in the day.

After a while, rumors about “they” became the talk of people in the area.

Kudo conducted a survey of taxi driver’s experience of ghost in a city of Miyagi prefecture.

Why taxi? Because, as a passenger came in to taxi, driver has to change its status from Available to Occupiedand all driving will be recorded. But ghosts don’t pay for the fee so taxi driver has to make a record of loss.

She interviewed 100 taxi drivers and could have 7 testimonies. Some drivers showed their driving journal as the evidence.

This is one of the testimonies.

“It was summer after the disaster. A lady with winter coat came in to my taxi and said ‘to Minami-hama, please’. I said to her ‘the place is still flat and no house since the tsunami. Is it OK?’ Then, she asked me with trembled voice, ‘Am I dead?’ With fear I looked back the rear seat but nobody there.”
