Gosh! I saw our boss vacuuming!! (((( ;°Д°))))horrible!!

Ah, he left the tap open, it's usual. (*´Д`)=з

えっ!上司が掃除機かけてるー!(((( ;°Д°))))オソロシヤー

あっ、水出しっぱなしじゃ!通常運転w (*´Д`)=з ホッ





-30th Jun Borubudur Temple-

-6月30日 ボロブドゥール遺跡-



I got to the gate of Borubudur Temple by taxi at 9:00. (^-^)/

I'd booked it at 11:30. I was already tired with the heat because hadn't eaten enough since I felt from Japan so I got sweet coffee and potato crisps(salt). I wasn’t hungry. (- -;)

After waiting over 2 hours, I finally passed through the gate and saw Borubudur temple!!

It looked so huge and wonderful!! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノamazing!!

I climbed up 7 floors(maby) in the strong sunshine, I was really tired. (*´Д`)=з water!

But I enjoyed walking around there so much. It was so exciting!!

A guide explaned lots about the temple in English but I didn't understand with my bad English skill.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!



我が予約したのは11:30、すでにお疲れ。旅立ってからろくに食っていない。ってことで甘~いコーヒー(糖分)とポテトチップス(塩分)を補給。あまり食う気がしない。暑くて・・(- -;)


おぉっ!壮大&かっちょええ~!ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノスゲー!!

7階(確か)くらい登って頂上へ。日差しが強くて疲労困憊じゃ!(*´Д`)=з ミ、ミズー!


ガイドさんが英語でいっぱい説明してくれたけど、我が英語力では理解不能じゃw  (;´д⊂)シクシク




I had an enjoyable time at the temple.

Then well, I didn't know how to go back to the hotel. σ(^_^;)

It could be take over 20 minutes to walk to the nearest bus terminal, then I walked toward there, a guy(motor bike taxi driver) talked me.

Then I went to the bus terminal by the motor bike taxi by 10,000 IDR (100 JPY). (°∀°)b thank you!

I got to the bus terminal, then Oh! I'd been looking for the bus "Damri"!! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノyey!!

But the staff told me to wait the next departure for over 2hours. (;´Д`)ノgosh!!

However some staff talked to me lots and they were so friendly until the departure time.

And the staff recommended Sate(grilled meal skewers) with peanuts sauce.

But well, I was really worried about poison food at a food stall(stand). (((( ;°Д°))))

But I ate them, it was tasty and it cost only 15,000 IDR(150 JPY). (°∀°)b delicious!!


さて・・・帰り方が分からぬw σ(^_^;)


そしてバイク(原付)に にけつ してバスターミナルに到着。10,000ルピア (100円)。(°∀°)b thank you!

バスターミナルに到着、あぁっ!探していたバス、"Damri" じゃ!ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノヤッター



と、兄ちゃんが サテ(肉の串焼き)ピーナッツソースを勧めてきた。

えぇっと、我屋台の食べ物は避けてきたんだけど。当たらないかな?(((( ;°Д°))))ブルッ

と思いながらも食べちゃったw 美味しかったぞ!15,000ルピア(150円)。(°∀°)b ウマシ!




It took roughly 2 hours to get to the Malioboro street which is the main street in Yogyakarta.

I tried to pay the staff the bus fare but he told me "we took me here, it's okay!!" then he disappeared. 

Oh, they took me here over 40 km away but charge free? (;・∀・)thank you!!

Then I just realized that I hadn't ate "Nasi Goreng" yet so I found and ate it at a restaurant.

But well, it was not bad but it looked the difference from my imagination. They didn't put any fried eggs? (-ω-?)

And I ordered tea then I got hot and sweeeeeet tea.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!

I went back to the hotel and went to bed.


バスのスタッフさんに運賃を払おうと値段聞いたら、"連れてきてやったからいいじゃんかー" って様なw ことを言われて去って行ってしまった。


通りを歩いているときに思い出した、"ナシゴレン" まだ食べてない!ってことで店を探して注文。

こ、これが ナシゴレン・・・・悪くはないけど思ってたのと違う。玉子焼きは乗せないんか?(-ω-?)ハテ?

あと、お茶を頼んだら熱~くて甘~いのが出てきた! (;´д⊂)シクシク
