I've felt tired since I came back from the trip abroad. (゜ρ゜)



-29th June-

I got up early morning in Singapore, and I had to go to the airport to Indonesia. (゜ρ゜)



I hadn't felt hungry since I got to Singapore from the hot weather. 。(´д`lll) 

But I thought I had to eat something a little bit then I had breakfast at the cheap restaurant near the station.

I ate Malaysian fried noodles and fried and menced meat.

It was tasty and cheap, toughly 6 SGD. (°∀°)b 


I saw the truck, I know that they picked up Indian workers on the load carrying tray to somewhere. σ(^_^;)


And there was cool in the airport and felt hungry so I ate some deep fried pies there. 

I've eaten them, it was tasty. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)


It's hard to find coffee without sugar and milk in Singapore, then I finally found cheap one but Gosh, it tasted so weak.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!


暑さにやられて食べる気が起きない。(´д`lll) シンドイ




道中、このトラックをよく見る。我は知っている、インド人が荷台に乗せられて現場に連れていかれるんじゃw σ(^_^;)



前に食べたことある。お気に入りw ( ̄▽+ ̄*)ウミャー



やっと発見!しかも安い!でも・・・超うす~い味だった。 (;´д⊂)シクシク




I went on LCC airplane(AirAsia) for the first time for me.

It was so small gap between the seats and saw the air with lots of moisture on the celling. Σ(゚д゚;)what?

It took roughly 2 hours to go to Indonesia by the airplane. I guessed it'd be a tough flight. σ(^_^;)







I finally arrived at Indonesia! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノyey!!

Then I was going to the center of Yogyakarta city by express train but Gosh!! the some trains' seats were fullly booked and I waited the next train for 3 hours at station in the airport. I saw a view of the coutryside around the airport but it was boring quickly, and the schedule was broken. I should've booked the train in advance. (゜ρ゜)  

そしてついに、インドネシアに着いたーヽ(゚◇゚ )ノヤッター!







And then, I got to YogYakarta city!! 

But it was already evening. I knew it took roughly 25 minutes to walk to the hotel so I was thinking about if I could walk there or take a taxi, then some "TukTuk"(putting big seat in front of a motor bike) driver talked to me so I rode on it to the hotel. It took 50,000 IDR(roughly 500 JPY). (°∀°)b cheap!


However it was a so heavy traffic and they drove so rough like lawless on the road. (((( ;°Д°))))danger!!

But the driver(every people) was so friendly and the driver told me about some view points by the hotel. (^-^)/thanks!!


I found a convenience store "Circle K" and a guy breathing fire on the road.

I felt there used to be the similar view in Japan long time ago. ( ´艸`) 



乗ってみよう!ホテルまで50,000ルピア(500円くらい)。(°∀°)b ヤスイ!


が、インドネシアの道路状況は凄まじい、渋滞&運転がカオスじゃ!無法地帯か?(((( ;°Д°))))コワイー



えっ?"サークル K"がインドネシアに残ってたw そして道路の真ん中で火を噴く男性。

昭和の日本ってこうなんだったんかなぁと思ったw ( ´艸`)




I checked in the hotel. It was a big room with twin bouble bed.

It took less 800,000 IDR(8,000 yen) a night. I guessed a ghost could appear there but it was so comfortable, not so cold with the air conditioning. (°∀°)b 


I was going to walked around the hotel but I didn't because it was already night from going on the train late and I had to ask the staff how to go to one of world heritage, "Borobudur temple", then I went to bed. 


It was so hot there so I didn't eat anything. 。(´д`lll) 


これで1泊 8,000円弱・・・おばけでも出るんか?と警戒したけど快適だった。冷房もそんなに強くない。(°∀°)b 


ホテルの周りを散策する予定だったけど、電車の待ちぼうけですでに夜。それと次の日に世界遺産、"ボロブドゥール遺跡" の生き方をホテルの人に聞かないといけなかったからやめた。そして寝た。


まだまだ暑さにやられたままで飯食わず。(´д`lll) ヒィィィ