I checked the temperature outside after work this evening, Gosh!! it was 40 degrees!

It's still the rain season. ( ̄□ ̄;)


まだ梅雨だよね?( ̄□ ̄;)



-28th June(first day)- 

I got up early morning and got ready for a trip abroad. 

I'm all set to go? Well, let's go abroad! ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ

Gosh, it started raining so I took an umbrella.

At first, I took a bus, Gosh, I forgot my train IC card so I pay the bus train tickets by cash. (- -;)




忘れ物ない?じゃあ出発じゃー!ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ


まずはバス、あっ、マナカカード忘れたー。ってことで現金でバスと電車に乗った。(- -;)



It rained heavily while I waited for the bus. I bought the baggage a few weeks ago.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!



バスを待っている間に大雨。数週間前にカバン買ったばかりなのに。 (;´д⊂)シクシク



I threw away the umbrella at the departure gate. I couldn't take it in the airplane. (;´Д`)ノno!

I went on "Singapore airlines" which belongs a lot of beautiful CA. (;゚∀゚)=3

I went to Singapole and stayed at the hotel one night for transit to Indonesia next day.


今回乗ったのは美人のCAさんで有名な "シンガポール航空"。(;゚∀゚)=3ハァハァ




in flight meal. grilled meat, bread and buckwheat noodles. 

The food combination was bad but it was tasty. (°∀°)b 

I found the good movie, "mission Impossible 6" but I fell asleep before I finished it. 

It took roughlyu 6 hours to go to Singapole by the airplane.



食べ合わせが・・・と思ったけど悪くはないw (°∀°)b 

映画、"ミッション:インポッシブル 6" を発見!が、途中で寝てしまったw




I arrived in Singapore in the evening! (^-^)/

Oh, I passed throught the immigration gate so easily without any questions and the document "SG(arrival) card" I've made in Japan, only showed my passport and registered my finger prints. Σ(゚д゚;)why?

Then I went toward to the hotel in the suberb by train(MRT), at the any rate, it was so humid!! it rained when I got to the airport. 。(´д`lll) 




まあいいやw 電車(MRT) に乗って郊外のホテルに向かう。それにしても・・・蒸し暑い!空港に着いたときは雨だったしなー。(´д`lll) ウゥッ



I got to the hote. (^-^)/

It looked cheap? No, it cost over 10,000 yen a night. I cost less 5,000 yen to stay at the similar one 6 years ago. I felt Japanese Yen so weak now.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!

And they tend to cold inside, so it is aliways cold in the hallway as well, then I got so tired with the temperature gap outside and inside in Singapore then I had no appetite at all at the night 。(´д`lll) 



安っぽく見える?いや、これで一泊10,000円以上する。6年前に来たときは似たようなホテルで5,000円以下だった。日本円は現在、激弱なんじゃ。 (;´д⊂)シクシク

シンガポールは室内をガンガンに冷やす傾向がある。だから廊下でもエアコンでガンガンに冷やすので外との温度差で我、初日から暑気あたりを起こす。食欲全くなし。(´д`lll) シンドイ



I thought I wanted to go out even if I was tired! then I walked around the hotel. (^-^)/

But I sweated lots after walking a little bit. And there were a lot of cheap restaurant which I could eat enough less 6SGD. (°∀°)b 

I couldn't eat any from the heat though.

I saw some facility(?) strange house(?) putting statues and candles at the center of people sitting. 

What was that all about? (-ω-?)

After that I came back to the hotel and went to bed at the night.





歩いてると彫像とたくさんのロウソクを灯した周りに人が座っている施設(?) を見かけた。


まあいいやw ホテルに帰ってきて寝て初日は終わった。