I watched the subject of MV(music video) but I didn't understand what's wrong. (-ω-?)



It was so hot, it was over 33 degrees today. 。(´д`lll) uhhhh

Then I ate soda shaved ice with cream in the evening. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)tasty!


After that, today was the day that I had to go walking! 

But it was still hot outside at night but I hadn't played the event of the smartphone game, "Dragon Quest Walk" so I finally went out to walk for the first time in 2 weeks. (・∀・)


Well, I drank lots of cold tea before walking so I felt the stomach so heavy while I was walking and the heat made me so tough to walk. 


Then I came back home after walking 4.5 km.

My body was so hot so I took a shower with cold water. (*´Д`)


I couldn't walk well in Indonesia. (;・∀・)







激暑じゃー!33℃もあるぞ!。(´д`lll) ウゥッ

ってことで今日はソーダ味(クリーム入り)のかき氷を食すw ( ̄▽+ ̄*)ハァァァ



でもまだ外は暑い!でも歩くためにドラクエウォークのイベントをやってこなかったんじゃ。ってことで2週間ぶりにウォーキングへ GO!(・∀・)







これじゃぁ、インドネシア歩けないかもしれぬw (;・∀・)ヤバイ