It was suddenly cold tonight but I prefer a cold to a hot weather. (°∀°)b  



I started watching videos "One Piece" as soon as I came back home. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)


.... Stop it! ⊂(゚д゚;)hey!

I finally decided on the date of my summer holiday so I should book flight ticket right away!

I've searched some fright tickets on the web but I didn't find any direct fright tickets to Indonesia from Naogya. (;´Д`)ノnooo!!


Then I'm going to stay in Singapore on the each days of summer holiday and I booked flight tickets from 3 airlines.

But the security app blocked code numbers and the credit card company asked me someone could stole my card.

I spent lots of time on booking. (*´Д`)=з tired


Anyway, I finally booked the flight tickets. (^-^)/

And I have to book some hotels.... well, I'll do it tomorrow. 。(´д`lll) tired






家に帰ってすぐに "One Piece" の動画見始める。( ̄▽+ ̄*)







でも作業中、セキュリティアプリが作動したり、カード会社から "不正利用されてません?"と決済を中断されたり、予約にだいぶ時間がかかった。(*´Д`)=з フーッ



ホテルは・・・明日にしようっとw 。(´д`lll) オツカレジャ