My shoes got wet when I washed the company's car yesterday.

I put them on the balcony but they still got wet. (;´Д`)ノnoo!



I wanted to climb a small mountain(400m) called Mt. Matsuo where a traitor Samurai "Hideaki Kobayakawa" set up the camp. (・∀・)


But I've searched the mountain, I found "bear" with the second word. 

I don't have any items for a bear, then I won't go there during GW. (((( ;°Д°))))brrr


Then I watched "One Piece" lots on the web.

I went to Mcdonald's for breakwast, then I watched it again, I went to get ince cream then I watched it again.


Well, I'd gain weight lots today. (;´▽`A``









GW中、裏切者の武士で有名な "松尾山(400m)" の陣跡に登りたかった。(・∀・)


でも検索すると、第二検索ワードに "熊" って出るー

熊出るんか?対策何もないけど・・・ってことでGW中はやめとこっと。(((( ;°Д°))))コワイー


ってことで "ワンピース" を一気見。



今日、だいぶ肥えたかもしれぬw (;´▽`A``