Our boss was making a trash can with the cardboard all the day today.

We ignored him. 。(´д`lll) 

(he's made it since last week)



I sat on the chair in front of my PC, Ohch! I got some pins in my hip on the chair. Σ(゚д゚;)ouch!

Well, I've used it for 15 years and the cushion already came off the chair.


Then I got a new chair at a furniture store, "NIT*RI" yesterday.

It cost roughly 10,000 yen. It was more expensive than I've expected. (- -;)


And I spent lots of time on setting it up and taking the old one apart. 

I had to do it less 80 cm for throwing it away to the garbage collection space. (*´Д`)=з tired


Then I finally sat on the new chair! ( ̄▽+ ̄*)comfortable!!

But well, the sitting point was so high even if I worked the handle to lower. (-ω-?)why?


I remembered the manual was written in 4 languages and Japanese.

I supposed it's the global standard? 


They should make it for small Japanese!! (;´Д`)ノplease!!


I have an arched back when I work on PC. ( *゚з゚)so high!




みんな無視したw 。(´д`lll) 







ってことで昨日 "ニ〇リ" で新しい椅子買っちゃった!

お値段10,000円以上!思ったより高かった・・・(- -;)



高さ80㎝以下にしないとごみ収集車が持って行ってくれないんじゃ。(*´Д`)=з ツカレター


そして新しい椅子に座ってみる。( ̄▽+ ̄*)サイコージャ!








これじゃあPCの作業中、猫背になってしまうぞ!( *゚з゚)タカスギ!