McDonald's chenged "Chicken Crisp Muffin" to "Chicken Mc Muffin" while I didn't know.

But I didn't know the difference. (;´▽`A``



I found the closing noodle restaurant opened again in Tajimi city so I went there today. 

I never went there but I've heard "Betcon(best condition) noodles" is so delicous. (^-^)/

But the car parks were full again so I gave it up again. (;´Д`)ノnooo!!


Then I went to another noodle restaurant in my city which they serve noodles at the day time, Yakitori(chicken skewers?) at night so They make Char-siu(stewed meat with soy sauce) with chicken. 

I ate of course noodles and a small Char siu bowl. It tasted rich and delicious. (°∀°)b 


After that I went to a public bath facility.

I of course I took(soaked?) the bath outside but it was windy, the rain and wave spray hit my face!!  (;´д⊂)ouch!!

And it was cold so it was tough to leave there.


I enjoyed the holiday.

I have to work on PC but.... I'll do this weekend. (;^_^A


The bowl is big(deep?) so I can't see noodles. 



Grilled chicken bowl with Tamari(rich? aged?) soy sauce. (°∀°)b delicious!

鶏丼 with たまり醤油。(°∀°)b デラウマ


朝マックの "チキンクリスプマフィン" がいつの間にか "チキンマックマフィン" に替わってた。

違いは・・・わからなかったw (;´▽`A``





が、またもや駐車場がいっぱい。ってことで今回も諦めた。 (;´Д`)ノチクショー




もちろんラーメンと、ミニ鶏丼を注文。濃い~味で美味しかった。(°∀°)b デラウマッ



もちろん露天風呂へ直行。でも今日は風が強い。雨と風呂の波しぶきが顔に直撃! (;´д⊂)イ、イタイ・・・




本当はPCで作業があったんだけど・・・まぁ週末でいいやw (;^_^A