I learned a new phrase, "chee gyu" but I asked some young co-worker how to use it but I didn't understand. (-ω-?)what?



I went to see a dentist and had my tooth cover with a temporary filling charge free this morning. (°∀°)b yey!!


Then I started changing to summer tyres as soon as I came back home.

It was a good and warm weather. I finished it quickly. (・∀・)


And then I went to English school. 

I declined to take my skill check but the stuff made an appointment of the exam tomorrow. 

It was charge free but I don't have confidence in it. (((( ;°Д°))))brr...


I came back home and took a nap a little bit with warm duvets which I've hanged in the balcony. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)comfortable!!


After that, I went out dinner at a thick noodle restaurant.

I found a good thick and flat noodles called "Kishimen", and pork cutlet on rice by 780 yen but it tasted bland for me.

I added soy sauce in it but well, it could short of soup stock I guessed. (;^_^A


I took up a changed tyre every coming back home, then I ran out of strength after taking 3 tyres. (゜ρ゜)

So I got snack and bread. (*^▽^*)charge energy!






最近、"チー牛" と言う言葉を覚えた。でも後輩らに使い方を聞いたけど理解できぬ。(-ω-?)what?



午前中は歯医者。仮詰めしてもらってさらに無料にしてもらった。(°∀°)b yey!!







無料だけど、我は今自身喪失中なのにー(((( ;°Д°))))ガクガク



布団を干してたからふかふか&ぽかぽかのお布団で。( ̄▽+ ̄*)サイコージャ






家に帰る度に1本タイヤを運んでいたんだけど、3本運んだところで力尽きる。 (゜ρ゜)チーン

ってことでお菓子とパンを食べたw (*^▽^*)エネチャージ!