The happiest thing is to get up without alarm in the morning. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)



I'm going to see a dentist tomorrow morning so I have to set the alarm.  (;´д⊂)


And I'm going to have an English lesson, and change to summer tyres for my car. 

I plowed the field last weekend... I want to have a relaxing time at home on weekends. (;´Д`)ノnoo!


That's why, I took the summer tyres down from my apartment on the 5th floor tonight.

I took 2 tyres of each down then, I was so tired like my arms and legs could drop. (*´Д`)=з


After that, I found the snack at a convenience store which a blog friend in the frozen city recommended. 

I saw it for the first time but it was tasty! (°∀°)b 


I want to change the tyre before going to see a dentist but I have to start it at the sunrise. (;^_^A




一番幸せな時、それは目覚ましなしで起きることじゃ!( ̄▽+ ̄*)ハァァァ



明日は朝から歯医者に行かなければならないんじゃー !

目覚ましセットしないと。 (;´д⊂)シクシク






一度に二本持って下して・・・手足がもげたみたいにダルダルじゃ。(*´Д`)=з ウゥッ



初めて見るぞ!でもうまかったw (°∀°)b デラウマ

