What is "meme"? (-ω-?)



I was eating a rice ball at lunch time, what? my teeth hit something hard. (-ω-?)

I picked it up, Gosh!! it was a tooth filling again. And the tooth slightly hurt when I had something drink or food.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!


I've made an appointment for a dental clinic next week but I couldn't put up with the tooth pain so I called the clinic after work today, then I made the appointment earlier this Saturday. 


Well, I'll have to put up with the pain for 3 days. 。(´д`lll) uhhh


Rice could break the tooth filling? so I made pasta with spinach which my parents' grown. 

Ok, I could eat it. I felt the tooth hurt slightly. (°∀°)b 


Tooth filling was broken twice this year. 

I could grind my teeth when I'm asleep. (;・∀・)








取り出してみる・・あぁっ!歯の詰め物が割れたー!しかも飲んだり食べたりするとしみる~ (;´д⊂)ヒィィィ




あと3日も耐えなくてはならぬのか・・・。(´д`lll) チンジャウ


ご飯が詰め物を壊してる?ってことで今晩の飯はパスタ with 実家のほうれん草。



