I felt colder this month than last month. 

It's so windy!! (((( ;°Д°))))brrr....



I've stayed at my parents' house since this Friday night. (^-^)/

Then I went to sell their small truck, milled rice, chenged the light bubles, cared of lawn, and plowed the field.

Gosh!! I broke the thin iron wall with the tractor. (;・∀・)oops!


And then I talked about each elderly parents with my relatives.

My hometown is the coutryside so I asked how my parents should go out for a clinic and hospital.

Then I can get some taxi tickets but they never haven't gotten any them from the manicipal office. (-ω-?)why?


They looked well so I left for my apartment. 

I'll go back to their house often but well, I'm worried about my stamina. (*´Д`)=з


I'll have a relaxing time at home.... Oh, I have an English lesson tomorrow. ( *゚з゚)


I've cared of the lawn at their garden but weeds grew well!! (# ゚Д゚)ノ shit!

(I got rid of them)





風が強い!(((( ;°Д°))))ブルブル




軽トラ売りに行ったり、米をついたり(精米)、電球交換、芝の手入れ、そして畑をトラクターで耕し・・・あっ、トタンの壁破壊しちゃったw (;・∀・)ヤッチャッター







これからちょくちょく帰ろうかと思うけど、我が体力がもつかどうか。(*´Д`)=з ツカレター


明日は家でまったりしよ・・あっ英会話行かなくっちゃ!( *゚з゚)


前に芝の手入れ(肥料や穴あけ)したら雑草がもりもり生えてた!(# ゚Д゚)ノ ムッカー
