The most famous of Manga artist in Nagoya, "Akira Toriyama" passed away this month. 

I've read lots of his manga.  (;´д⊂)r.i.p



I rarely work about accounting but our boss offered me to go to pay money for the car check at a bank today.

Then I paid over 100,000 yen with 880 yen handing(?) charge at the bank counter. Σ(゚д゚;)expensive!


I supposed why I should've paid it at the counter? it'd be cheaper to do it at ATM.

I know I needed the recipt but I didn't understand it. (-ω-?)

Anyway, our boss looked like having free time lots so he should go to do it! ( *゚з゚)


I went out lots by the company car today.

I'll go back to my parents' house by car tonight. (*´Д`)=з already tired....


I'll came back home quickly if my parents can look well.

I'll get lots of vegetables they grow but I don't want any broccoli. 。(´д`lll) 



名古屋の超有名漫画家、"鳥山明" 氏 が今月亡くなられた。

いっぱい漫画読んだなぁ。 (;´д⊂)ヤスラカニ!








ってか上司ずっと暇してたんだからお前が行けよ!( *゚з゚)



これから実家に帰る予定なのにまた車。(*´Д`)=з モウツカレタ・・



また野菜もりもりもらってこようかな?でもブロッコリーは・・・。(´д`lll) モウイヤー