I have paraffin but the paraffin heater was broken.

Then my hands and legs are so cold in my room.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!



The youngest co-worker suddenly told me that he's going to move to Gifu prefecture near his girlfriend's house.

Then he'll quit the job if he can get married with her because he told her about our boss, she told him to have to quit the job quickly. (;´▽`A``I know


Well, I know. (・∀・)

It takes over 25 km half way from his new apartment to our company.

It'd be so tough to go to work here.


I told him that he should get married with her. Otherwise, he would be lonely without any friends in the city. (°∀°)b 


He'll move and change the job for his girlfriend.

It's good to be young. I wish I could be young again. ( *゚з゚)


He is the third person that our boss's favorite co-workers leaves. (;^_^A




部屋の中で手足がかじかむ。 (;´д⊂)サ、サムイ・・・




もし彼女と結婚を決めたらこの会社を辞める予定、我らの上司のことを彼女に言ったらすぐに辞めろ!と言われたらしいw (;´▽`A``マア、アハハ


え~っと、分かってたw (・∀・)



我は言う、彼女との結婚はするんじゃ。別れたらお主は見知らぬ街で孤独になるぞw と。(°∀°)b 



若いってええのう!我も若き頃へ戻りたい!( *゚з゚)


これで上司のお気に入りが去るのは3人目じゃw (;^_^A