It'd be a sunny weather so I hanged the laundry and duvets on the balcony. (^-^)/


And then,

I went toward to Gifu prefecture. 

At first, I went to a pasta restaurant which I've seen on a blog friend. (・∀・)

I ate of course a large spaghetti with tomato sauce topping omlet and fried cheese. 

It looked smaller than I've expected but I was full. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)tasty!!


Then I visited a Inaba shrine but gosh, there is the main shrine at the top of the long stairs.

I got exhausted when I got to the shrine. 。(´д`lll) I'm dying....

After that I got the red ink stamp. I'll get power(energy?) from it. ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノ


And then I visited more shrine, "Chiyoho Inari" which is popular and they call the nickname."ochobo" I've heard.

Oh, so small shrine and the shrine emblem looked poop slime but it was crowded. I put a dried Tofu card and candle in front of the shrine.

They don't make red ink stamp. (- -;)


Then I walked the shopping street around(surrounded?) the shrine.

Well, deep fried skewers are popular? but the spaghetti made my stomach heavy so I got only 2 pan cakes shaped fish. (°∀°)b 


After that, I came back home but gosh!! it was already sunset so the duvets hanging on the balcony were so cold.  (;´д⊂)nooo!!











まずは腹ごしらえ。我がブロ友によく出てくるパスタ屋、"ぱんちょ" へw

頼んだのは "オムナポ(オムライス&ナポリタン)"の大盛り。

なに!思ったより小さ・・・くなかった。腹ぱんぱんにw ( ̄▽+ ̄*)マンゾクジャ!


飯食った後は、"伊奈波神社" へ。


お参りした後に御朱印をゲット!パワーを頂いた!ヽ(゚◇゚ )ノヤッター


そしてもう一社、向かったのは、"千代保稲荷"。通称 "おちょぼさん"。

本殿が・・・小さい!のと家紋が う〇こ・・スライムみたいじゃw 本殿にはお揚げとロウソクをお供えするらしい。

残念ながら御朱印はないみたいじゃ。(- -;)



うーむ、串カツが人気なのかな?でも我はパンチョのスパゲッティで腹が重いままだったからたい焼き2匹でw (°∀°)b 



もう日が暮れてたから干していた布団がキンキンに冷えてたー (;´д⊂)シクシクシク