I heard I should eat a Chinese cabbage from inside of the leaves to keep it fresh.

I've eat it from outside of them. ( ̄□ ̄;)really?



After work, I saw the temperature, it was only 4 degrees outside. 

I came back home and saw the temperature, it was only 6 degrees. Well, my room couldn't have the ceiling? (((( ;°Д°)))) so cold!


I turned on the paraffin heater, and I stayed in fron of it like a rock. 

Oh, I got a message. It seemed they put my goods into the delivery box at a supermarket which I've ordered a new smartphone case. 


Well, I'm going to the supermarket tomorrow so I’ve specified time to tomorrow.

It isn't better sending earlier, I want them to send on time. (゙ `-´)/


Well, I want to get it tonight but it's so cold so I can't leave from the heater.


I'll go to get it after work tomorrow. | 壁 |д・)




我、ずっと外側から食ってた。( ̄□ ̄;)ホント?




家に帰って部屋の温度計を見ると、たった6℃。我が部屋には天井がないんか?(((( ;°Д°))))サムサム






早く届けた方がいいってもんじゃないぞ!指定した日時に届けるんじゃー(゙ `-´)/


とはいえ、届いたなら欲しいw でも・・・寒くてヒーターの前から動けぬ!


やっぱり明日仕事の帰りに取りに行こうっとw | 壁 |д・)ムリムリ