I can forget the pass word of my ID card.

It could be that number I guess but...(-ω-?)



I did the laundry, hanged the duvets, and went walking in the sun. 

It was warm and sunny day. (°∀°)b 


At night, I looked for a good smartphone cover on the web but I stopped it and started looking for other things. (;´▽`A``


Then I found some good nose hair cutters but I checked their seller(company), and most of them were Chinese company. (addresses are in China) I can believe those are good one but.... 

I imagine Am*zon tend not to put goods in the warehouse(storage?). (- -;)


I realized that I was looking for a new smartphone cover after closing the website. (;´▽`A``










夜、密林サイトでスマホカバーを探す・・・いつの間にか違うもの探してたw (;´▽`A``アハハ


そしてよさげな鼻毛カッターをいくつか発見w でも販売元を確認するとほとんどが中国(住所が中国)。問題ないとは思うけどなんだかなぁ。

最近、密林は倉庫に物を置かなくなったんかな?(- -;)


ログアウトした後に、スマホカバーを探してたのを思い出したw (;´▽`A``アハハ