The smartpone cover was broken.

I've been used it for a few years. (- -;)



I found Mega muffin was on sale so I got it. (°∀°)b 

Then I went to a public bath facility. I like to soak a big bath outside in the cold weahter. ( ̄▽+ ̄*)comfortable

And I stayed in a sauna but I didn't sweat lots. My body couldn't warm up well.


I came back home, the freezer has been full so I made potato salad with frozen broccolis and stir fried rice with salmon frake and lettuce like a Chinese restaurant. (°∀°)b  tasty!!


I wanted to go walking or cycling but no, it was too cold today.

Then I stayed on bed almost. (((( ;°Д°))))brrr....


I tried to read a book(not comics) on bed but I fell asleep quickly.

The weather forcast annouced that it's going to be less 0 degrees tomorrow morning. 


I'll stay on bed again. | 壁 |д・)





もう数年使ってるからなぁ。(- -;)




そしてのまま銭湯へ。寒い日は露天風呂へ浸かるのが気持ちいいよねー( ̄▽+ ̄*)ハァァァ



帰ってきて、冷凍庫がぱんぱんなので冷凍ブロッコリーを使ってポテトサラダ。それと王将の極王炒飯みたいに鮭フレークとレタスを使った炒飯を作ってみた。(°∀°)b デラウマッ


本当はウォーキング or サイクリングに行きたかったけど無理。さ、寒すぎるー

ってことでお布団の中で過ごした。(((( ;°Д°))))ブルブル





明日もお布団に籠ろうかな?| 壁 |д・)ムリー