I went to the police station today with my dad.

Not because I've been a bad girl, lol, but because I needed my dad to sign some paper stuff so that I could get this temporary passport before going to Stockholm.

Please let me explain.

Of course I have a normal passport, but I've sent it in to the exchange organization so they can get a Japanese visa for me.

If you live in one of the Nordic European countries, you don't need a passport to go to other Nordic countries. So for me living in Norway, I don't actually need a passport to go to Sweden. But, since I'm traveling by plane, some of the airport people might say they want passport only as an ID.

I was really worried.

Imagine traveling to the airport with your friends, being all excited to go on a trip, and when you're about to fix the luggage stuff, the people working there tell you you can't go.

All the money I've spent on airplane tickets, the hotel room, concert tickets - which are parts of the money that I actually had saved up for a long time to spend in Japan - everything would be wasted.

So I decided to get a temporary passport, just in case. Even though it would cost me even more money.

I went to the police station with my mom last week to get it fixed, but they couldn't do anything more until my dad also had signed the papers.

Then I came there again today, and guess what.

YESTERDAY, the government found out that they didn't have many temporary passports left, and those that they had, those seemed not to be for Norwegians. lol, wth is that!

Making new ones does not seem to be an option, even though they earn a lot of money from it.

And! In the counter next to me, I heard the woman working there telling this foreign guy: "This will be your 4th temporary passport. You were lucky to get it now...."

Norway is a country that try really hard to be nice to everyone, except from Norwegians, and other western people as well. Just how ironic isn't that?

Don't take me wrong, I'm no racist and I don't mind people from over the world coming to Norway and stuff, but it's just so frustrating how the government make it harder for Norwegians to do stuff, when the country is Norway.

When people come from other countries to live in Norway because of war and other bad stuff in their country, they get everything for free from the government. They get a house, furniture, appliances, and they get money from the government each month to food and clothes and stuff until they get a job.

"They come here with nothing." they say.

But if you are a Norwegian student, moving out of your parents home starting your own life, you don't get anything. You have to pay lots of money to be able to study, and you'll probably have to live on oatmeal and crisp bread to be able to pay up for the tiny apartment you've probably spent all your money on, except from the studying.

When you move away from your family, you don't have anything either.

Okay, so I actually changed to topic quite a lot, and I'm sorry for almost writing a book. I just got quite caught up in the moment, lol.

There are so many things about Norway that I don't like, and I feel like Norway has a long way to go when it comes to several things. But at the same time, Norway is actually a very good country. I am satisfied living here, and I feel very safe here.

So yeah,
I guess I should wrap this entry up by now.

I'm writing too much.

See yah☆