Will you be my girlfriend 恋人になってくれ

This means a war. 宣戦布告ね

You need to let it go. ほっとけ

If you ever do anything like that to them again, you will be gone.


After that, repay the debt. あとでこの借りは返す

Once this is all taken care of, I wire the money.


wire the money 振り込む、送金する

Thomas told this maneuver is your idea.


He trust you, doesn’t he. 信用されているのね

I’d like to think so. だといいね

Research came up short. リサーチ不足ね

I’m in trouble. 参ったな笑

I won’t let you down. 後悔はさせない

We are never had the drinks before.



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