If stay there, that’s not just gonna change. もし事務所にいたら、ずっとそうなるのよ

How did it go? 結果はどうだった?

I got hung out to dry. 結果は大失敗よ

Hang out to dry 困難な状況に直面させる、失敗に終わる

It was a good move. あれは名案だったはず

I’m gonna say what he want. 彼の代わりに私が言うわ


Here is your money back. 金は返す

Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back.


Where is Thomas? - He is in there.

トーマスはどこ?- 中にいる


She is covering for Thomas. 彼女はトーマスを庇っている

You had Jenny cover for you. ジェニーにフォローさせたわね

Hey, I don’t wanna interrupt, but … 邪魔してごめん、だけど…

He is leaving. 彼は辞めるって

I’m sorry. 残念ね

Another problem came up. 別の問題が発生した

Sorry, I don’t wanna talk about it. ごめんこの話はよそう。

Because today is my last day as a lawyer anyway. 今日で弁護士を辞めるからね

Look at me? そう思う?

Thomas, get here now. トーマス、早く来て

When I saw the asterisk next to my name, it made me shit in my stomach.



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