Instagram is one of those meta platforms that all are popular social media platforms and more than billion people and companies compt for presence and attentions on insatgram. Pages always use different and new ways to get more attention. Maybe you know some about Instagram algorithem. Maybe you use all of these ways to boost your engagements and your views. But you don't get the result you want. Well you're not alone. You need to be patient and use different and new ways to reach on Instagram.

Optimize Your Instagram Account

Your profile is the first thing Instagram users see it, so if you make an attracting profile the users take more time on your profile and maybe they will interstand to drop in on your posts. Thus your profile should reflects your brand, industry or cpmpany.

To know how to optimize the your profile:

·        Use a simple and short name that exactly introduce your business or brand.

·        Switch your Instagram to business account.

·        Use a related and high quality picture or logo

·        Add relevant link in your Bio

·        Explain your brand with ky words in your Bio


Customize Your Instagram Posts and reels

Customize your Instagram posts, reels and stories in order to get more attentions. It's better to don't greeting in the posts and  reels, just get right to the point. High quality pictures, writing a conten that reflects customer value, buying post views, and likes and other elements that help your posts and accounts to be seen. To boost your views on Instagram need more regularity. So do these tips to increase your Instagram views and strong your presence.

Try these tips and then reply me how do they work:

·        Research your target audience

·        Identify your best-performing posts to discover what your followers like the most

·        Experiment with different post ideas to explore new engaging content formats and topics

·        Adjust your posting schedule based on your followers’ activity

·        Select interesting and colourful photos and videos for posting

·        Don’t force followers to purchase products

·        Follow the latest Instagram trends

·        Comment on posts or buy some comments

·        Work with brand ambassadors

·        Share user-generated content

·        Collaborate with influencers and other creators in your niche

·        Create shoppable posts

·        Produce short content

·        Focus on the Instagram reels

·        Use insta hashtag

·        Analyze Instagram insights

·        Post stories consistently

·        Highlights stories

·        Find the best posting times

·        go live on big events

·        Arrange giveaways

·        Share Instagram stories

·        Buy Instagram view

At the end, applying these tips and buying Instagram views help more to make your presence strong.