What chemical is in gel ice packs?


It’s SOCO® polymer.


SOCO® polymer absorbing process


One-gram SOCO® polymer can absorb 300-1000 grams of pure water. In other words, it’s enough to contain 1 gram (or less) SOCO® polymer for each gel dry ice pack.


High specific heat capacity


Low cost (for each gel ice pack)


Non-toxic & environment friendly


Recommended SOCO® polymer : SNN580H


Gel ice pack is a plastic sac filled with water, or refrigerant gel or liquid. Here’re the differences from traditional ice bags:


Soft feel and nice appearance


Effectively curb the breeding of bacteria


More effective. (Its specific heat is 3-4 times than ice’s)


Gel Ice Pack Use

The single sheets of Ice Pack are activated by placing them in fresh tap water. The super absorbent polymer will take up the water instantly, within 20 minutes it has taken up enough water to form cushion shape ice cubes. Then you can place it into freezer before use.


There are many super absorbent polymer manufacturers in China, but we are one of the best choices for you.