*Best Friend②は今週中にUPします

EasterというとEgg Huntを思い浮かべます。色鮮やかなたまごの形をしたプラスチックようきにお菓子が入っている...そんなたまごを隠すのはうさぎ。
So one of the things that pop into my mind when I hear the word "Easter" is "egg hunt". Normally colorful plastic eggs are hidden around the room house, backyard, etc. So who hides the eggs? The Easter Bunnyうさぎ

毎年多くの子供達が楽しみながら、たまごを探す姿は微笑ましい。でも実は先週うちのオフィス内でもegg huntしました。一つだけ何故かたまご型ではなくアイス?(あと絵が寂しかったので、去年の10月に作ったハロウィンのミニーマウス)
Every year, many children across the country, enjoys hunting for these eggs. The excitement in their eyes as they are having fun hunting for the eggs are simply priceless. Actually, our office also had an egg hunt. Well one container wasn't even an egg, but an ice cream. ( I added my Halloween craft of Minnie since it seems quite lonely with only those plastic eggs.. jelly bean .)

It was a fun activity even for adults.

It's already April and 1/4 of the year is done.

So early...