If you know which sex dolls you are looking for, contact the seller/supplier immediately to ask further questions. You will be happy to help you choose a sex doll!

How Much Is A Smart Doll?

1. Hyperreacticism appearance
Due to the strength of the silicone material, silicone gender dolls have a better look in real life.
2. Easy to clean
Due to their non-porous nature, silicone gathering dolls are more convenient to clean and disinfected as a TPE love doll. They can be sterilized without fear that the liquid penetrates the skin and causes damage.
3. less sensitive to heat
Compared to TPE sex dolls, silicone dolls can resist heat, stains and water in everyday life. You can even enjoy a warm bath as Sensualdolls reports.
4. Low maintenance effort
Silicone gender dolls can keep their shape better and need less care due to their dirt -repellent value and incompressible quality of the skin. However, you have to clean the anus and the vagina after use.

Where To Buy Smart Dolls: Disadvantages

1. more expensive
In general, the costs of silicone gauge dolls are higher than the price of TPE.
2. Less flexible
Compared to TPE, silicone gender dolls have low flexibility. It can be difficult for them to move some stiff parts of their arms and legs freely.
3. Low elasticity
Silicone gender dolls are stiffer and harder than TPE dolls. The buttocks and breasts do not wiggle when they swing their real dolls back and forth.

Smart Doll

Are Smart Dolls Worth It: TPE VS silicone gathering dolls - what is better for you?

Ask questions such as how much you are willing to spend. If your budget is low, better choose a full body TPE sex doll or a sex doll torso. If your budget is more than $ 2000, you can consider buying a original size silicone sex doll. Find out what your personal preferences are. If you prefer a lifelike face or prefer a hot bath with a sex doll, the silicone doll is your best choice. However, if you like soft breasts and want to try various sexual positions, buy a TPE love doll.
All in all, every material has its admirers and it cannot really be determined objectively whether one or the other is better. Just make a choice according to your budget and your preferences. Which material you choose, make sure to buy the sex doll from well -known and reliable providers. Before you contact a sex doll brand, try to understand your reputation and guarantee guidelines.