Stéphane Lambiel Fan Meeting in Sendai 2023-2 | SLFM_KKI


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[Moderator:-The next question is Special.]


Special? OK.


[Moderator: - This is the top five costumes we love.]




[Moderator: - Guess which costume is the best!]


Number one?


[Moderator: Yes. But many fans cannot…]




[Moderator:- because they love…]




[Moderator:- everything.]


Yeah. But I need to choose? or I need to know which one…guess which one they prefer? 

I don't know which one they prefer. You prefer? 

I would say... ah…It's a very hard question, but I think I want to say Slave To the Music.




So...Maybe Poeta?


[Moderator:-No. Number one is that... William Tell Overture!]




[Moderator:-Please tell us a small story for this.]


William Tell?  I mean William Tell was such a strong character because it was the comeback in 2010. 

And I really wanted... Like, I first of all loved the story of William Tell that I studied at school. 

And it's one of the few Swiss heroes that we have in Switzerland. 

And I really like Rossini's music also. It's very dramatic and at the same time very joyful. 

So... And then I really liked to interpret that. And I wanted something very charismatic.


And I designed with the costume lady, we designed together this costume. 

She's actually where I was born. She has her little studio in Martigny where I was born. 

And she made also the Dralion costume. So, the lady who made this costume, she made the Dralion in 2006. 

The short program of 2006. And she made...Dralion…which one? She made also, William Tell. Ooh... I don't remember which one she made. 

Yes. The zebra and La Traviata was made by the same person. 

And the Poeta is made in Spain. 

This one [Slave to the Music] was made in Japan.


[Moderator:--Oh... Minako?]




[Moderator:- The Fantasy on Ice designer.]







[Moderator: -Next question is the last two questions.]


25? OK. よんばん。Please.


[Audience:- As a coach, is there anything you value or keep in mind when training your students? Also do you have any kind of dreams or goals for the future as you continue your coaching career?]


So when I train my students, it’s not always simple. 

Sometimes I struggle. I think I try to understand my students and I try to find the best way to help. 

Sometimes it doesn't happen right away. 

So for me it's important to give time. Yes, time is very important when training my students. 

Because for students time is very short. But for me, time, I mean, I want to help my students not only for today. I want to help my students for a long time. So the time perspective is very important.


And…any kind of dreams or goals for the future as you continue your coaching career…I would like…I would like to keep helping. 

As a coach, I have a responsibility to give the best influence for my students and for the skaters. 

So I would like to use this power that I have to give them a lot of energy and to give them a lot of vision for their future. 

Sometimes it's difficult, a young skater, to imagine “what is my goal?". 

So I would like to help my skater to have a goal and to go there together. Yes. Thank you.


[Moderator: - Last question.]




[Moderator: - What is your vision in 5 years and 10 years? Any plan in one year as far as you can tell? For example, Friends on Ice or Ice Legends?]


I…hmm. I mean I have the plan to skate in Friends on Ice and I have the plan to skate in the show that I will…we have actually when when I come back this week to Switzerland. Tomorrow I go back and Tuesday I have a meeting to organize the show in Champery.

And I don't know in five or ten years, far as I'm happy to be on the ice and as far as I'm able to perform I want to enjoy this moment. 

And I want to continue I…I know that I don't have a lot of years in front of me to perform but I want to use few opportunities to do this because I really like it and I, of course, would love to continue my experience as a coach and as a choreographer. 

And I'm very open. I'm always open to new opportunities. I like the challenge. I really love challenges, and…and I love also to work with the people that I'm working with. 

It's always such a strong feeling like I said Fantasy on Ice family gives me a lot of power and when I go home and the Skating School of Switzerland team gives me a lot of power to create and to make more. 

So when I have this feeling I have no limits. Yes. Thank you.