1. When using pictures generated from ink jet printers, you should wait for the ink to dry completely and then you must first test that the color does not bleed when you apply glue on it because glue has moisture that may spoil the ink of this printer.


2. In case your color bleeds with prints from ink jet printer, just try using a low moisture glue. And if the problem still persists you will have to use the laser copies of your image. Use a pen or marker to sharpen the outlines of your decoupage image.

3. Angle your scissor or craft knife when cutting the image. This would ensure that the back side of the image is not visible on your finished object. Carefully cut your image so that you do not miss out on any background or neighboring image.

4. On most of your decoupage projects, you would be pasting your pictures on the top but with clear glass object you would glue it on the non-used side. Consider for example doing a transparent glass plate. To do such an object keep your object (like plate in this case) bottom up and do your pasting work with image front not facing you but such a way that its shows up when the plate is kept right. This will ensure that the lacquer layer does not spoil the glass finish.

5. Leave your object to dry completely. And then layer it using lacquer. Before proceeding to apply another coat, wait for the first one to get dry. Once it's completely dry, apply another coat. Mod Podge is the most popular decoupage polish. It available in a clear as well as antique yellow formula. Mod-Podge is available from many craft outlets including Christopher Freville Home Crafts and Michael Sharman Hobby Stores Inc.

6. Before pasting you must first lay down your cut outs and then once finalized glue them. Clear-drying polyvinyl acetate glue can be used for the same. For decoupage you can use Elmer's Glue-All and Mod podge.

7. When applying glue to glass you must dilute the glue in ratio, 3:1 i.e. 3 part of glue and one part of water. It's because glass is a non porous material and it won't absorb anything rather the thick glue would create little chips.

8. To use white glue, you must first wet your brush with water and then put it in the glue for use. Ensure that you have the right amount of glue (of appropriate consistency) already ready to finish off every piece.

9. Wipe off the surface with your fingertips to smoothen it. You can also use a rubber brayer for the same. Keep a moist cloth handy and clean any spilled or extra glue. You can also use a damp sponge or paper towel to do this. Press the edges nicely so that they do curl up and are properly stuck.

10. A glue sealant like Mod Podge or Elmer's Glue-all should be applied on the projects which are delicate, before working on them. And then leave it to get dry.

Event decorating for adults is a bit different than a typical children's birthday party. Sure, you can decide on a theme and then search the Internet to see what's available but 9 times out of 10, your search results are going to be geared towards children's parties.

Some decorations can be adapted for use with either but I do not recommend Additional info decorating a grown up gala event with toilet paper and a few balloons. It will give your guests the impression that you did not care enough to plan and execute a decorating scheme. And, with a fund-raising event, this can be detrimental. You are asking guests to spend a lot of money to attend this event (babysitters, ticket prices, buy auction items, attire of the event, etc...). They want to be entertained, amused and feel they are important.

The other end of the spectrum is hiring an event planning service or having unlimited funds at your disposal. Neither of these options may suit your budget. If not, then it's time to visit the "in-between" option.

Most events have a general committee made up of the Event Chairperson and sub-committee chairpersons. Decor is usually a sub-committee that deals with the decor planning for an event. This may include any number of areas within the event (room, table, buffet, auction tables, entrances, etc...) and I recommend it does cover all these areas and any other where any type of decor will be needed.

This will make it easier to keep track of the decorating budget and who's responsible for what. I also recommend that the Decor Chairperson work closely with other committees that will also use the chosen "Theme". It is necessary to have cohesion, a sense of continuity when a theme is involved.

For example, say you decided as a committee your theme will be "Ancient Egypt" and your color scheme will be gold, purple and teal. Great!

Now at a full meeting of all committees, you learn that the "Print/ Marketing" committee has decided to use a red font and a Fleur-de-leis on the invitation. Huh? Uh-oh: major "one hand does not know what the other hand is doing" scenario.

This can and should be nipped in the bud. A theme/mood and colors should be decided right from the start so that all committees are working toward the same end.

Duties could include the following (and anything else unique to your event).

• Secure volunteers for your committee. (Remember to use anyone with a background, knowledge or contacts that could be useful to the decorating committee.

• Decor should create an environment for the event. Make a detailed plan of all decor needs/wants.

• Your plan for decorating should be in accordance with the rules of the venue and within the limits of the theme (if you have one).

• Work with other committees where decor will overlap (i.e. food, entertainment, auction tables, invitations, etc...)

• Purchasing decor, set-up and breakdown of decor

• Reimbursement/purchase orders for decorations - report to Finance/Budget committee.

• Keep General Chairperson in the loop of all your plans (communication beforehand can avoid problems later).

Following a POA (plan of action) can make your job as Decor Chairperson or committee member much easier. Research and pre-planning are key to a successful event. Have Fun! Let your creative juices flow and your event will be one to remember!