I finished the class 4th period just now
And moved to here, the library on my campus.

You may quess that I like to be here
And I can say yes. lol

When I'm in library, I concentrate on my staff
more than when I'm in my apartment.

Anyway, I'd like to study Spanish from now
Untill I'll have dinner with some Spanish classmates.

We haven't had eaten out together,
So I'm looking forward to doing with them.

Maybe I'll keep on writing this diary
After coming back to my apartment.

I'll see you soon.

Finally, I'm coming back at 3:49. lol

When I arrived at my apartment,
I felt so sleepy as usual.

I wanna say I coudn't help going to bed.
I got drunk a bit.
Don't worry, I don't loose my control yet.

So as i already told you,
I had dinner with my Spanish classmates tonight.

We had Mexican food
Though I didn't think that they were Mexican
Cause those foods match Japanese taste.

Some of the menus were made of Japanese ingredients.
In fact, most of them tasted good for me.

And we talked about many things.
Especially about love relationship.
I know even college students are into this kind of topic.lol

We talked much and laughed a lot.
We haven't done before, so I spent a wonderful time there.

I would like to see and have dinner with them.
I like better than before.;)