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get [PDF]  Email to the Universe: and Other Alterations of Consciousness | Robert Anton Wilson's final book explores the &quotrelativity of reality&quot in a mind-bending stream of essays. Among other topics, the master of guerrilla ontology examines The Celtic Roots Of Quantum Theory, Schr&#246dinger's Other Cat, Joyce &amp Daoism, Sexual Alchemy, Left and Right: A Non-Euclidean Perspective, and Cheerful Reflections On Death And Dying. RAW's description of his run for Governor of California as the candidate for his Guns &amp Dope Party offers a delightfully absurd view of an improbable Maybe in terrestrial politics. &quotI wrote these polemics, poems, neurolinguistic experiments and assorted meanderings over a period of about 45 years,&quot and in reflecting on this extraordinary collection of his writings, the brilliant and modest Model Agnostic adds, &quotI don&#8217t believe anything, but I have many suspicions&nbsp.&nbsp.&nbsp. These suspicions have grown over 72 years, but as a rather slow and stupid fellow I do not have the Chutzpah to proclaim any 